Tag Archives: student visas

As student visa fees jump to $1,600, Australia is refusing more applications than ever

As student visa fees jump to $1,600, Australia is refusing more applications than ever

On Monday, the federal government more than doubled the application fee for international student visas. The move is effective immediately and sees the non-refundable fee jump from A$710 to $1,600. The surprise news comes as part of a broader effort to rein in record-breaking migration levels, especially among international students. As Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said on Monday, […] … learn more→

Proposed student visa policy could hinder US competitiveness

Proposed student visa policy could hinder US competitiveness

In an effort to crack down on international students and scholars who overstay their visas, the Trump administration is seeking to implement a new set of rules that would make it more difficult for them to remain in the U.S. Among other things, the proposed rules would require students and scholars from certain countries to leave within […] … learn more→

Radical reform to student visas is required for UK higher education

Radical reform to student visas is required for UK higher education

Across the world, international students are making last minute decisions about whether to enrol in university courses this September or defer until 2021. But study destination countries are responding differently to this challenge. Australian universities have indicated that they will allow international students to enter the country before all internal state borders have opened. Meanwhile, […] … learn more→