Monthly Archives: January 2017

The challenge facing libraries in an era of fake news

The challenge facing libraries in an era of fake news

Imagine, for a moment, the technology of 2017 had existed on Jan. 11, 1964 – the day Luther Terry, surgeon general of the United States, released “Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States.” What would be some likely scenarios? The social media noise machine explodes; conservative […] … learn more→

Co-writing, a continuing story…

Co-writing, a continuing story…

This brief piece of collaborative written work was conceived in a typical manner, by Susi and me.  As we tied up a joint writing effort, I commented as an aside that we might, sometime, write about writing together. This is a topic on which we have at times mused reflectively, apropos de bottes. Amidst a […] … learn more→

Gender issues: brand new year, same old problems

Gender issues: brand new year, same old problems

I spent some of my time off around New Year attempting to start as I mean to go on by tidying my “home office”. In the run-up to Christmas, as exhaustion took over and time ran out, I had increasingly just been dumping piles of paper precariously on the edge of my desk as I […] … learn more→

How to quickly spot dodgy science

How to quickly spot dodgy science

I haven’t got time for science, or at least not all of it. I cannot read 9,000 astrophysics papers every year. No way. And I have little patience for bad science, which gets more media attention than it deserves. Even the bad science is overwhelming. 700 papers are retracted annually, and that’s a gross underestimate […] … learn more→

Seven ways education needs to change in 2017

Seven ways education needs to change in 2017

When James Callaghan, then UK prime minister, launched his great debate on education at Ruskin College Oxford in 1976, the content and role of education became a hotly contested subject. Schools today, however, are now less concerned with education, and more with how social engineering can achieve a variety of external goals external. The legacy […] … learn more→

A Liberal academic teaches Liberals..or tries

A Liberal academic teaches Liberals..or tries

Hey, how about that last election? It’s so funny how many people are still puzzling over how the polls could all be so wrong, for so long, so consistently. I mean, Hillary was presented as way ahead, and after every debate, the mainstream media was only too happy to tell us that Hillary’s lead extended […] … learn more→