If you open Google and start typing “Chinese cave gecko”, the text will auto-populate to “Chinese cave gecko for sale” – just US$150, with delivery. This extremely rare species is just one of an increasingly large number of animals being pushed to extinction in the wild by animal trafficking. What’s shocking is that the illegal […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: May 2017

Scientists are accidentally helping poachers drive rare species to extinction

Changes to the future of student loan servicing
On Thursday, the House Oversight Committee convened a hearing to address major errors within the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA). Foremost on many committee members’ minds were questions about how FSA plans to manage its student loan servicing contractors going forward. Concern grew after Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced earlier this year that […] … learn more→

Our ‘selfish’ genes contain the seeds of our destruction – but there might be a fix
The human race is in so much trouble that it needs to colonise another planet within 100 years or face extinction. So says the physicist Stephen Hawking in an upcoming BBC documentary, Stephen Hawking: Expedition New Earth. According to Hawking, “with climate change, overdue asteroid strikes, epidemics and population growth, our own planet is increasingly […] … learn more→

Free thinking is a community service
With many US universities, in recent years, having become full-time academic factories, manufacturing petulant protests and PC meltdowns, is there someone out there who seriously thinks that students today are not focused enough on social justice? The answer, apparently, is a resounding “yes” – and it comes from the core of the educational establishment. Last […] … learn more→

Higher Ed’s tampon socialism follies
Yes, the old sage ranting “it’s all crap” or “we have lost our way” is a bit of a cliché, but I honestly have more than just my own experience and opinions…I have evidence. Maybe it’s just a matter of opinion when I say standards have fallen…perhaps my memory (and my old tests) paint an […] … learn more→

5 important Supreme Court cases about education
When reading through legal case briefs the chances are you will come across numerous education court cases. There are even terms in the law dictionary that describe different court terminology specifically about education. Read on to find out about some of the more notable cases that changed education as we know it. The Board of […] … learn more→

Academics in ivory towers? It’s time to change the record
Explaining my work as a director of communications and impact in an academic institution can sometimes prove challenging. A case in point was a recent conversation with a new acquaintance about work that went something along the lines of: “So, what is it you do again. Something about research isn’t it?” To which I replied: […] … learn more→

Climbing back to health after an accident
After a serious accident, you may find yourself wondering where exactly to go next. You may be temporarily or even permanently unable to continue your work as usual. This doesn’t even include your duties at home, with family, or even hobbies that you miss out on. Here are some valuable tips and insight to start […] … learn more→

Trump budget would abandon public education for private choice
The Trump administration has announced its plan to transform education funding as we know it. The new budget proposal takes aim at a host of elementary, secondary and higher education programs that serve needy students, redirecting those funds toward K-12 school choice in the form of vouchers, tax credits and charter schools. Public schools that […] … learn more→

Hold fast to the values of global scholarship – they are needed more than ever
In his speech at the funeral of the Athenian Dead, Pericles famously said that the bravest are those who, while knowing the full strength of the forces ranged against them, still go out and face them. That they do not “faint beforehand with the meditation of future trouble”. Well, at least we now know what […] … learn more→