Monthly Archives: May 2017

E-cigarettes are still far safer than smoking

E-cigarettes are still far safer than smoking

The safety of electronic cigarettes has been a subject of mixed messages over the last few years. Studies have linked e-cigs to a wide range of issues but even then, health experts still maintain the idea of using electronic cigarettes is still way safer compared to smoking itself. Part of the reason why many people […] … learn more→

Rise in universities prioritising style over scholarly substance

Rise in universities prioritising style over scholarly substance

In recent years, my leading Australian university has opened several landmark new buildings that have received numerous architectural awards and mountains of international press coverage. It has also invested huge amounts in the surrounding real estate, converting countless buildings into collaborative teaching spaces and student lounges. All this has been accompanied by a cinema-quality advertising […] … learn more→

10 ways College grads can make their resumes stand out

10 ways College grads can make their resumes stand out

If you are one of approximately 1.8 million students receiving a bachelor’s degree this year, you’ve probably been working on your resume. This can be a challenging task for upcoming college graduates, especially those with minimal work experience. When you consider that hiring managers typically take less than 10 seconds to decide which pile your […] … learn more→

Citing yourself  – in the text

Citing yourself – in the text

Writing about your own work is sometimes tricky. There are ‘secretarial’ text issues involved in using your own work. I’ll talk here about how you refer to yourself and the work, and the vexed question of self-plagiarism. writing your work into the text The advice on self citation often suggests that you refer to yourself by […] … learn more→

Parachuting in courses from the West does African entrepreneurs no good

Parachuting in courses from the West does African entrepreneurs no good

Growing youth unemployment remains a socio-economic challenge in Africa. Several initiatives, including foreign development aid programmes, are being deployed to address this. Many come with noble intentions. But they are undermined by the flawed approach of parachuting solutions made in the West. A study focusing on a seven year old multi-million dollar programme from the […] … learn more→

Beating the AP class scam

Beating the AP class scam

With college tuition perpetually increasing, parents are highly motivated to cut costs. One way to cut costs is to enroll kids into “AP courses” in high school. Advanced Placement courses provide college credit, at least if the students can pass the AP exam…and there’s the rub, as that test costs around $100 to take. Because […] … learn more→

6 traits of life-changing teachers

6 traits of life-changing teachers

Michael Foley, my high school Shakespeare teacher, was a known tyrant. As underclassmen, my friends and I would walk past his closed door, peer in the narrow vertical window, and see him gesticulating wildly at some hapless senior, blood vessels popping in his forehead. We were genuinely terrified. I would eventually discover that Foley wasn’t […] … learn more→