This fall, for the first time ever, borrowers who have made 120 qualifying payments can avail themselves of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF) to eliminate their remaining federal student loan debt. Ahead of its implementation, we’ve drafted some recommendations to ensure smooth sailing and a better, more targeted program. This post, detailing recommendations […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: September 2017

Avoiding the PSLFiasco: Part One

Custom writing service: efficiently, timely, and stress-free
Are you a nervous student with no free time for yourself? Worried about essays and a full pack of paper works? Luckily for you, there is an absolutely simple but effective solution. Just keep calm and get help from Pro-Papers – custom writing service. Everyone knows for sure that homework assignments are just a daily […] … learn more→

Does being religious or spiritual make you more ethical at work?
Can religion and spirituality promote ethical behaviour in the workplace? It’s a contentious issue, but our research comprising interviews with forty Indian top level executives suggests it might. We found that virtues embedded within the various traditions of religion and spirituality (Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity and Zoroastrianism) play a role in ethical decision-making in […] … learn more→

Rape at universities: One program is proven to reduce it
As students return to universities across Canada and the United States this month, the safety of female students is a major concern. Sexual violence occurs on all campuses and can no longer be ignored. It’s now widely recognized that universities and governments need to invest deeply in prevention. The province of Quebec, for example, recently […] … learn more→

How to be an academic?
I have a new book out! If you follow me on any of my social media channels, you probably know this already, but I thought I would tell you again anyway because I’m excited about it The book is called “How to be an Academic” is essentially a compilation of writing I have done over […] … learn more→

Capitalism isn’t broken – but it does need a rewrite
In the 1990s, economists indulged heady hopes that globalisation would raise all boats via unfettered free market activity. Now, but a generation later, many are having second thoughts. That’s because global free markets, while indeed maximising GDP for all concerned, have also ushered in staggering rates of inequality together with a looming threat of irreversible […] … learn more→

Choosing a conference
I’ve recently been asked how new PhDers ought to go about choosing academic conferences. Here goes… Because conferences are discipline specific, you really do need to talk with your supervisor and your peers about which are the best conferences to go to. Cop out? OK. Got me. I’ll try to do better. I actually have […] … learn more→

Universities must act now on sustainability goals
In an unpredictable and insecure global political scene, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are intended to tackle pressing global challenges. Agreed on by all participating countries, including Australia, the SDGs set 17 goals and 169 targets to promote economic prosperity, social inclusion and environmental sustainability. The goals cover a wide range of complex […] … learn more→

The middle-class academic elite is totally out of touch
Over the past year and a bit, I have watched the academic world (in all disciplines) flail around at Brexit, at Donald Trump and, this summer, at the Grenfell Tower fire. “How could these tragedies have happened?” they cry. It is clear that this middle-class, liberal, highly educated section of society did not see these […] … learn more→

College graduate IQ in freefall
One of the weird things about higher education is how the smart people are fleeing it. Now, that’s at the grad school level, and I noticed it seemed to start just about the time I was done with graduate school: my most talented friends were getting their Ph.D.s, seeing what higher education had to offer, […] … learn more→