Given the entirely appropriate degree of respect that science has for data, the ongoing discussion of peer review is often surprisingly data-free and underlain by the implicit assumption that peer review – although in need of improvement – is indispensable. The thing is, the peer review of scientific reports is not only without documented value […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2017

Scientific peer review: an ineffective and unworthy institution

Even West Point is corrupted
When I rant about the corruption of higher ed, I’m pretty careful to put some weasel-ly qualifiers: “most” institutions are corrupt, “most” degrees are worthless, “many” administrators are there to plunder the schools, and so on. When I consider those schools which don’t fit the general rule, usually the schools which come to mind are […] … learn more→

How to make website that gains more revenue
Maximizing revenue of an online business is a bit tricky job. Most web design companies prefer a list of requirements of the company before they foray into the design and development of a website. So asking them to focus on the sale will be risky. It is advised to get things done in a systematic […] … learn more→

What to teach your preschooler about internet safety
Fifteen years ago, parents and caregivers did not have to worry about teaching pre-school aged children about internet safety. A new reportprepared for the Children’s Commissioner of England suggests this time has passed. Children now live in a digital age, which means internet access is a daily part of life for many young children around the world. Touchscreen technologies have changed […] … learn more→

How to spot fake news – an expert’s guide for young people
Every time you go online, people are competing for your attention. Friends, strangers, businesses, political organisations, charities and news websites all serve up a constant stream of eye-catching pictures, videos and articles, wherever you might go looking for information – Google, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or YouTube. But in the race to catch your eye, […] … learn more→

Defining value: without expensive research, there’s no ‘higher’ to higher education
Higher education is expensive. It is more expensive, in fact, than many people realise because many of the costs of higher education originate with a set of activities that are not well understood by outsiders. Teaching in its strictest sense is only one part of these costs. The most obvious other costs include research and […] … learn more→

Looking beyond the sandstone: universities reinvent campuses to bring together town and gown
Curtin University has a redevelopment plan to transform 114 hectares of its Bentley campus in Perth into a “city of innovation”. Its stated vision is to provide an “urban context that supports constant exchange between education, research, industry and government … where knowledge and innovation extend beyond buildings”. Also in Perth, the University of Western Australia is heading towards […] … learn more→

Improving universities’ image is not just about education
The headline-grabbing resignation last week of University of Bath vice-chancellor Dame Glynis Breakwell after intense opprobrium over the size of her salary was another sign of how far UK universities have slipped in public perception in recent months. So, what can we do to redress the situation? If we believe that higher education is a […] … learn more→

Using the reward -risk ratio in a wise way
One of the most important aspects of any Forex trading strategy is risk management. Risk management guides traders when to exit the market. Any experienced Forex trader will tell you that knowing when to exit a trade is even more important than knowing when to enter. When you formulate your Forex trading strategy, you will […] … learn more→

Engineering research in Africa is growing but it’s still a patchy picture
Africa’s vast land mass and rich natural and mineral resources make it strategically important and an increasingly significant global player. It is also a dynamic young continent: about 60% of its residents are aged below 25. The African Union is trying to harness this enormous potential through its Agenda 2063, which includes elevating Africa through improved education and […] … learn more→