Monthly Archives: March 2018

Writing the thesis – the theoretical framework

Writing the thesis – the theoretical framework

Not every thesis has a section or chapter devoted to a theoretical framework. But a lot do. (It’s the Ph in PhD after all.) And these ‘theory chapters’ can be very tricky to write – and are often tricky for the examiner to read. Before starting to write your theory section/chapter it can be good […] … learn more→

Offensive speech in the classroom

Offensive speech in the classroom

  The spring semester got off to a somewhat rocky start at Princeton University when a number of students walked out of a class in reaction to the instructor’s conduct. Lawrence Rosen, the William Nelson Cromwell Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Princeton and an adjunct professor of law at Columbia University, was starting a class that he […] … learn more→

Proven tips to pick a web hosting provider

Proven tips to pick a web hosting provider

There are many criteria how to pick a web hosting provider but user feedback, monthly bandwidth, disk storage, price and the rich assortment of services a web hosting provider does (or does not) offer are critical. These criteria apply for choosing both a shared and a dedicated web hosting provider, only the figures are different. […] … learn more→

An academic journal converges to leftism

An academic journal converges to leftism

It’s no secret that some of our institutions of higher education have been taken over by, well, it’s hard to say what to call them. Much like the walking corpses on The Walking Dead, it seems every group has a different name for them. Bolsheviks, Leftists, Progressives, Bai Zuo…many choices. My own personal choice is […] … learn more→

What is heightened immigration enforcement doing to U.S. schools?

What is heightened immigration enforcement doing to U.S. schools?

The Trump administration’s immigration crackdown has intensified fears of deportation among immigrant communities—and new research suggests the feeling is also creeping into the nation’s schools. In a recent multi-state survey of over 5,400 educators across 12 states by the UCLA Civil Rights Project, teachers, principals, and school staffers share harrowing accounts of students who are distressed and distracted due to […] … learn more→

Molesting Doctor causes President to resign

Molesting Doctor causes President to resign

  2017 was the year of the publicized sex scandal. Granted, the phrase “casting couch” didn’t come from nowhere, it’s been long known that in Hollywood an actress might well have to advance her career on a couch. Other “obvious” places where sexual shenanigans occurred didn’t seem to get nearly as much attention. Perhaps I […] … learn more→

Higher education: what is it good for?

Higher education: what is it good for?

Why go to university? When asked, today’s students are openly careerist and materialist. In a 2012 survey by the Higher Education Research Institute in Los Angeles, almost 90 per cent held that “being able to get a better job” was a “very important” or “essential” reason to go to college. The rationales of being “very […] … learn more→