Back when I was focusing more on how much education has been degraded (and less on the takeover by edu-fascists), I wrote of Bloom’s Taxonomy, this weird dogma which Educationists rant about extensively. It’s been over five years since I wrote about it, but a recent book extolling the virtues of this taxonomy was recently […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: September 2018

Bloom’s Taxonomy: The rubbish running education

What everybody dislikes about beard oil and why
Your beard oil is about to use! It is just that, oil. Your GreenMan Almond beard oil is prepared for use! You beard oil is prepared for use. Beard oil is one of the most necessary items that any kind of beardsman could possess. It is among one of the most crucial items that any […] … learn more→

University rankings: how do they compare and what do they mean for students?
University rankings can be highly influential. They can help prospective students to narrow down their choice of institution and, of course, they also give universities something to brag about. The UK’s elite institutions, Oxford and Cambridge, continue to occupy the top two posts in the latest Times Higher Education World University Rankings And many other UK universities […] … learn more→

Trusting states to do right by special education students is a mistake
On Sept. 20, the U.S. Department of Education released a new framework to “rethink” how the department oversees special education services for students with disabilities. As part of this framework, the department plans to provide states with “flexibility” and to “acknowledge” that states are “in the best position to determine implementation of their programs.” This flexibility relates […] … learn more→

To decolonise the university is to democratise the university
The backlash against the University of Manchester students who recently overwrote a mural of Kipling’s If, once voted the UK’s favourite poem, with the civil rights activist Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise was predictably fierce. “Liberal fascism” and “outrageous cultural vandalism” were some of the more pointed attacks on this latest incarnation of the drive […] … learn more→

Rough and ready: the fast and lean route to a PhD
My friend Tim’s PhD had been four years in the making when he finally dropped out. His decision followed a meeting with his supervisor: the culmination of almost six months of work preparing a further draft chapter of his thesis. Only at this point did he learn that his supervisor did not approve of the […] … learn more→

Work smarter, finish faster: winning strategies for completing a PhD
Decades ago, we sat in the library as graduate students, staring at shelves of books and thinking: “If only we understood all the knowledge sitting on just one shelf, what power that would be.” Today, we try to convince ourselves that such daydreaming was not naive. Of course, there are people who love to learn, […] … learn more→

Gay Professor officially didn’t harass gay student in sexual e-mails. It was “code”!
While the Leftist takeover of many of our campuses is disconcerting, there is, sort of, a ray of hope here: this ideology is not merely destructive, it ultimately is self-destructive, as much so for campuses as it was for countries. Part of the reason this ideology is so destructive is you can’t really defend against […] … learn more→

Why do teenagers not like to read?
I read San Manuel Bueno, martyr (Miguel de Unamuno, 1931) for the first time when I was fourteen years old. In my list of compulsory books of 2nd of ESO, Unamuno’s reading was after Marianela (Benito Pérez Galdós, 1878) and before La familia de Pascual Duarte (Camilo José Cela, 1942). On the day of the exam, the teacher asked us about the plot […] … learn more→

Can we really learn a foreign language with an app?
Pursued on all download platforms in the world, applications dedicated to the study of foreign languages are expected to revolutionize language learning. They allow you to train on grammar points and can be a very rewarding way to enrich your vocabulary. But their effectiveness is debated, especially with regard to skills such as written or oral expression. […] … learn more→