For some people moving is not a major problem. They just call up the helicopter, the private plane, get the RV out of the garage of just add a trailer to the truck. But for many people moving is quite a traumatic event. Research suggests that moving is a significant life stressor for children. Moving is hard. […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: June 2020

Get a move on

Here’s a new way to do study abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
With the U.S. and much of the world engulfed in the COVID-19 pandemic, travel restrictions and health risks have threatened to make study abroad difficult, if not impossible. But that doesn’t mean students won’t still want to learn about other cultures and see how people in other parts of the world approach different issues, such as climate […] … learn more→

In publishing Tom Cotton, the New York Times has made a terrible error of judgment
When a newspaper with the authority of The New York Times chooses to publish a party-political essay calculated to further inflame the violence wracking cities across America, serious questions arise. On June 3 the Times published in its opinion section an essay by a Republican senator from Arkansas, Tom Cotton, headlined “Send in the troops”. […] … learn more→

How can we save the Mooc?
Massive open online courses (Moocs) have become notorious for their failure rates. Of those who register, considerably more than 50 per cent do not access even half the available material and under 5 per cent actually complete a course. While some commentators suggest how learners can still extract value from a Mooc, others see this as a sign of their complete failure or have called for Spocs […] … learn more→

Climate explained: could the world stop using fossil fuels today?
If we stopped oil, gas and coal extraction immediately – what would happen? What would we need to change about the way our economies and societies work in order to adjust to that resource no longer being available? Do alternatives already exist that mean it could be business as usual if we (governments and individuals) […] … learn more→

Why children need to be taught more about their human rights
Many children have an innate sense of equality, fairness and justice and know how these concepts relate to their day-to-day lives. A lot of children also have the confidence to voice their opinions when they feel a lack of justice. But unfortunately, this is not always that case – especially for children whose personal rights are violated […] … learn more→

Kids need physical education – even when they can’t get it at school
When I noticed my 12-year-old son was spending about seven hours a day doing his school work online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I immediately became concerned. As a researcher who focuses on how to get kids to be more physically active, I knew my son and his classmates were spending too much time sedentary. Being […] … learn more→

Militarization has fostered a policing culture that sets up protesters as ‘the enemy’
The unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd after being pinned to the ground by the knee of a Minneapolis police officer has left parts of U.S. cities looking like a battle zone. Night after night, angry protesters have taken to the street. So too have police officers dressed in full riot gear and backed by an […] … learn more→

Can students be assessed today as they were before the pandemic?
The global pandemic caused by the rapid spread of COVID-19 has brought about a change in the way of proceeding in every area imaginable; and the world of education has perhaps been one of the environments in which this social, professional and academic reorganization has had the most impact. One of the most surprising consequences that […] … learn more→

Don’t feed the bears! How parks get visitors to protect nature
After weeks of pandemic lockdown and closures, families keen on camping holidays and getting outdoors are relieved that many of our parks are reopening. Canada’s national parks partially open June 1 for day use; camping will be closed until at least June 21 while authorities assess safety. In Alberta, provincial parks are open for day use, and camping is […] … learn more→