A love for reading can be hugely valuable for children. The benefits of leisure reading include increased general knowledge, a positive impact on academic achievement, enhanced reading ability and vocabulary growth. Indeed, research suggests that time spent reading for pleasure could be a key indicator for the future success of a child – even more important than their family’s socio-economic status. It […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2020

Five ways to help your child develop a love for reading

Do children’s games have a genre?
If childhood is frequently associated with learning social rules or experiencing otherness, it is also seen as a time of recklessness and imagination. Without denying the variety of situations experienced, some of which largely hinder this recklessness, the fact remains that social representations make childhood a period of promise and possibility, especially through play. Therefore, we […] … learn more→

Education 2020: The Year We Study Dangerously
Education has suffered throughout 2020 perhaps the greatest stress test in its history. But until the pandemic was unleashed in all its virulence and educational centers around the world closed, there was time, however, to devote to some issues that were gaining prominence. At the beginning of the year, the so-called “parental pin” stirred the educational […] … learn more→

Pandemic is no time for a pedagogy overhaul
When this year’s lockdowns forced a sudden pivot to online teaching, academics had to scramble to adapt their teaching materials and curricula. You might have thought that they would have grabbed all the advice they could get. But while a few attended the online webinars on “emergency remote training” provided by agencies such as Advance […] … learn more→

Revise – by connecting academic reading with academic writing
How do you know what to do when you are revising your writing? Revision always involves making a judgment about your own work. You become a self-evaluator. But what criteria do you use? Art educator and philosopher Elliott Eisner (1976, pp. 140-141) suggested that any evaluation of your own and/or others’ artistic or creative work […] … learn more→

9 tips to give yourself the best shot at sticking to new year’s resolutions
For many cultures, the dawn of the new year is marked not only with celebration, but also the opportunity for personal reflection and growth. But as the year progresses, our initial drive for self-betterment can falter. The good news is our tendency to give up can be circumvented. There are various ways we can strengthen […] … learn more→

The 5 main problems in learning a foreign language
The demand for learning foreign languages has got really high over the last decade. This tendency mostly reflects the situation on the labor market. Many open positions in global companies require the knowledge of at least one foreign language. Fluent English gives an opportunity to receive a scholarship and get a diploma from any college […] … learn more→

Digital networks: three barrier gestures to cultivate as a family
To counter infox, hate speech or online radicalization, many issues are at the level of national and international regulations. Faced with the active circulation of misleading messages or false documents, it is easy to feel helpless, in a situation of stress or pandemic fatigue. But at the individual level, a certain number of digital barrier gestures […] … learn more→

A year of blursdays: how coronavirus distorted our sense of time in 2020
Does it feel like 2020 went on forever? Did lockdown drag, and can you even remember how you spent your time when you weren’t living under coronavirus restrictions? You are not alone. For many, 2020 has been the year in which the constancy of time was lost to the upheaval of coronavirus. Objectively, time passes […] … learn more→

Early school leaving : this is the impact of covid-19
The coronavirus pandemic disrupted the education of an entire generation of students. The statistics provided by UNESCO show that nearly 1 600 million students in more than 190 countries-94% of the student population of the world were affected by the closure of educational institutions at the time most height of the crisis. In the case of Spain, it […] … learn more→