Monthly Archives: December 2020

Covid will downsize universities’ overseas partnerships

Covid will downsize universities’ overseas partnerships

Good news on Covid vaccines has finally provided hope that the international student number may bounce back sooner rather than later. But the journey to something close to “normal” will be a tough one and the final destination may bear little resemblance to the student recruitment market that existed before the pandemic. The most immediate […] … learn more→

Finding a job, keeping it and earning a living: the expectations of young people from the working classes

Finding a job, keeping it and earning a living: the expectations of young people from the working classes

Statistics tell us that in France a diploma remains the best asset for gaining access to employment, especially when it comes to a stable, open-ended contract – especially in times of crisis. This is the lesson given to us by the financial crisis of 2007-2008, as Céreq explains : “In 2010, three years after leaving the education system, 73% of […] … learn more→

Feel free to disagree on campus … by learning to do it well

Feel free to disagree on campus … by learning to do it well

The French Review didn’t confirm a “free speech crisis” in Australian universities. But nor did its report last year confirm free speech was “alive and well”, as Universities Australia would have it. In many university policies the report found vague language, which could rule out voicing a view deemed offensive. Most universities have updated their policies in […] … learn more→

No, Education Minister, we don’t have enough evidence to support banning mobile phones in schools

No, Education Minister, we don’t have enough evidence to support banning mobile phones in schools

Last week, South Australia announced a mobile phone ban in primary schools. Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan endorsed the ban, saying: Data shows a correlation between the uptake of mobile phones by young people and a downturn in student performance. The federal government put “mobile phones on the agenda” in a September 2019 meeting with the Education Council. […] … learn more→

The 10 false myths about dyslexia

The 10 false myths about dyslexia

The Dyslexia is a disorder of neurodevelopmental affecting learning reading and mainly reading speed and accuracy. One in fourteen children has this disorder. Therefore, it is very common in our classrooms. It is also one of the most widely known disorders in society in general. However, there is a set of false myths about its nature, characteristics and intervention. Then we are going to […] … learn more→

Give postgraduate scholarships to those who need them most

Give postgraduate scholarships to those who need them most

The postgraduate scholarship process is a tedious business for everyone. But it is a living nightmare for working-class students. Specifically, it is a nightmare in which you’re being chased by a ravenous monster – who bears an uncanny resemblance to both your landlord and your university bursar – while searching desperately for one of the […] … learn more→

Computer science jobs pay well and are growing fast. Why are they out of reach for so many of America’s students?

Computer science jobs pay well and are growing fast. Why are they out of reach for so many of America’s students?

When it comes to the digital divide, often the focus is on how lack of internet service and basic technology will hurt students’ academic performance. This is particularly true during the pandemic, when most schools are operating online. But as a STEM educator at one of the nation’s elite historically Black colleges, I see another negative effect of the […] … learn more→

Why is astronomy hardly taught in school?

Why is astronomy hardly taught in school?

Astronomy has some advantages over other branches of science to reach students easily. Also to awaken their interest in scientific knowledge in general and contribute to their training as future citizens. The pleasure of observing the sky and the striking nature of the images offered by large telescopes, or the possibility of finding answers to the […] … learn more→