The “dreaming spires” of Oxford University that Matthew Arnold romanticised in 1865 still have a powerful grip on our image of the university. Nevertheless, the university town is part of the past. A key reason for this is the expense of developing facilities on a confined site, particularly in a heritage setting. The new Cavendish Laboratory at […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: February 2021

Think big. Why the future of uni campuses lies beyond the CBD

GCSE and A-level teacher assessments: benefits of replacing exams undermined by lack of transparency
In January, UK education secretary Gavin Williamson announced that GCSE and A-level exams in England would not go ahead. Now, Williamson has outlined further information about how assessments for pupils will take place. Teachers’ judgements will be at the heart of grading decisions this year, based on a range of possible assessment methods including coursework, mock exams, essays […] … learn more→

Odds are against ‘first in family’ uni students but equity policies are blind to them
It’s that time of year again when hundreds of thousands of Australian students start university for the first time. Commencing students account for about 40% of the more than 1.6 million Australians enrolled in university (as at 2019, the most recent available data). It’s an important step for many in pursuing their educational and occupational dreams. Those who are […] … learn more→

Why professional jargon is so difficult for us to understand
At the hematologist’s office, the doctor tells us that “the main complication in early post-transplantation is mild EVOH-SOS, resolved with defibrotide and diuretic treatment. Granulocytic seizure on day +24 and platelet on +42 ”. “I mean, I’m going to die,” one thinks. We read in a headline the economic news about the hostile takeover bid that a company is […] … learn more→

What public school students are allowed to say on social media may be about to change
After a high school cheerleader in Pennsylvania dropped a series of F-bombs about her school in a Snapchat post over a weekend in the spring of 2017, she was suspended from the cheerleading team and sued the school district, claiming the suspension violated her First Amendment rights. Social media has an ever-growing presence in students’ daily lives. As a […] … learn more→

How to get children with ADHD to promote their social relationships
ADHD is known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in childhood behavior and the inappropriate appearance of excess motor activity, difficulties in inhibiting impulsive behavior and in maintaining attention, which are generalized in all contexts (family , school, social …). These children, in general, not only have cognitive-behavioral problems, they also have difficulties in their social skills . In addition, […] … learn more→

A school system tailored to individual ability rather than age sounds good, but there’s no evidence it works
One of the boldest recommendations in the review of the New South Wales curriculum was to introduce “untimed syllabuses”. According to the review’s report – delivered in June 2020 — these do not specify when every student must commence, or how long they have to learn, each syllabus. Students progress to the next syllabus once they […] … learn more→

How do you identify Passive Voice?
There are plenty of rumors to consider when using passive voice in your writing, such as that it’s improper. However, there are situations when it’s essential, and knowing how to identify it is key to improving your writing quality. Using passive voice checkers and these essential tips, you can quickly switch from passive to active […] … learn more→

This is the pedagogy (still very unknown) that serves to teach culturally diverse students
Culturally Relevant Education (ECR) is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including the cultural legacies of students in all aspects of learning. It is a little or no known approach and constitutes an opportunity to significantly enhance the success of culturally diverse students. Culture is essential for learning. It plays a role not only in the communication and reception […] … learn more→

Not as simple as ‘no means no’: what young people need to know about consent
A recent petition circulated by Sydney school girl Chanel Contos called for schools to provide better education on consent, and to do so much earlier. In the petition, which since Thursday has been signed by more than 5,000 people, Contos writes that her school … provided me with life changing education on consent for the first time in […] … learn more→