Monthly Archives: October 2021

Deportation threats for some students come from within schools

Deportation threats for some students come from within schools

When Bilal, a recent immigrant from South Asia, started his sophomore year at a high school in a large southern U.S. city in 2014, it wasn’t a welcoming experience. Upon entering the school, Bilal had to go through a metal detector. Then a school police officer patted him down. Bilal did not understand why a […] … learn more→

4 moves to make math visible with kids, using counters

4 moves to make math visible with kids, using counters

Let’s say you’re a parent helping a Grade 1 child with their math, and they’re subtracting eight from 17, using small items — counters — like Smarties, multicoloured Rocket candies or Lego pieces. The child counts out 17 items. Then, they count eight of those items to take away. Finally, they start counting the remaining […] … learn more→

As international students start trickling back, the new year will be crunch time

As international students start trickling back, the new year will be crunch time

It’s looking much more likely that international students will be able to return for the first semester next year, with international travel for Australians opening up from November 1. From that date, there will be no cap on the number of fully vaccinated citizens and permanent residents able to fly into New South Wales. In response to […] … learn more→

Open educational resources, a challenge for the future

Open educational resources, a challenge for the future

In a knowledge-based economy, the creation of new knowledge and its dissemination to as many people as possible play a central role. This is the objective pursued by the Open Education movement, which works to develop free educational resources. According to Unesco, these resources include “teaching, learning or research materials in the public domain or published with an intellectual […] … learn more→

Future of college will involve fewer professors

Future of college will involve fewer professors

At a large private university in Northern California, a business professor uses an avatar to lecture on a virtual stage. Meanwhile, at a Southern university, graduate students in an artificial intelligence course discover that one of their nine teaching assistants is a virtual avatar, Jill Watson, also known as Watson, IBM’s question-answering computer system. Of the 10,000 messages […] … learn more→

COVID has increased anxiety and depression rates among university students. And they were already higher than average

COVID has increased anxiety and depression rates among university students. And they were already higher than average

Before COVID, university and vocational education students were at high risk of developing mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety. This is because they already experience much higher levels of psychological distress than the general population. But since COVID, this group is even more at risk. Our study has found the percentage of university and vocational education […] … learn more→

Simple safety tips for trick-or-treating after Fauci greenlighted Halloween 2021

Simple safety tips for trick-or-treating after Fauci greenlighted Halloween 2021

\The air is getting chillier, pumpkins are perched on porches and kids across the country are planning their spooky costumes. As a professor of pediatric nursing and a mom to four young children, I know the excitement and anxiety that pandemic holidays bring to children and parents alike. Halloween 2020 brought creative ways to trick or treat […] … learn more→

'Tenacious' students: can willpower be trained?

‘Tenacious’ students: can willpower be trained?

A new ghost haunts the school, the ghost of tenacity, known in research as grit , its equivalent in English. The factors that determine the scholastic performance of the students are known for a long time by the experts in Educational Psychology. Some are of a personal nature, such as aptitudes and attitudes, others of a contextual nature, […] … learn more→

How a maximum security prison offers a pathway to academic excellence and a PhD

How a maximum security prison offers a pathway to academic excellence and a PhD

The person taking notes during our meeting, we later learn, is averaging a high distinction in their studies for a bachelor degree. If this level of performance is maintained this student is heading for a university medal – an award recognising exceptional academic achievement. Clearly this is a highly motivated student. Our PhD candidate was […] … learn more→

Understanding academic writing – starting the PhD

Understanding academic writing – starting the PhD

Writing is a crucial aspect of doctoral work – indeed all the scholarly work you will undertake from now on. Writing is integral to scholarship. Whether you are in or out of higher education, if you are researching, you are writing. Writing and its associated activities reading and talking, are the major ways in which […] … learn more→