Owning or running a commercial kitchen might not be the busiest job globally, but it is up there when it comes to liability and responsibility. There are a lot of areas that you need to pay attention to if you are to get the most out of it. For example, you need to ensure that […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: November 2021

Restaurant equipment maintenance tips for commercial kitchen

Stereotypes about girls dissuade many from careers in computer science
Stereotypes about what boys and girls supposedly like aren’t hard to find. Toy advertisements send signals that science and electronic toys are intended for boys rather than girls. Computer scientists and engineers on television shows and movies are often white men, like the guys on “The Big Bang Theory.” Policymakers, teachers and parents sometimes subscribe to these stereotypes, too. They […] … learn more→

Factors to consider when choosing internet service
We are currently living in a digital world where everything revolves around the internet. In fact, most businesses, homes, schools, and institutions treat internet access as a basic need. This is because, for example, in homes, they will the internet for communication, security services, entertainment, access to information, and even education. Businesses have also turned […] … learn more→

Best online degrees for stay-at-home Moms
Stay-at-home moms look after the kids when their husbands are busy hustling. These moms keep the family in unison, but many are not ready to give up on their dreams by staying idle at home. There were over ten million stay-at-home moms in 2015, according to a study. Most had personal reasons why they chose […] … learn more→

Why use Disability Employment agencies?
People living with disabilities might find it hard to break into the job market, find work, and keep a good job. Through a top-notch disability employment agency, people with disabilities, health conditions, and other injuries can access job opportunities, linking them closer to employers looking for people with their qualifications. These agencies and organizations vary […] … learn more→

Little red children and ‘Grandpa Xi’: China’s school textbooks reflect the rise of Xi Jinping’s personality cult
When students in China returned to classrooms in September 2021, they were provided with a new series of textbooks outlining China’s president Xi Jinping, or “Grandpa Xi’s”, political philosophy. Each textbook on “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era”, as Xi’s political philosophy is officially called, is tailored to students at primary, secondary, […] … learn more→

Art illuminates the beauty of science – and could inspire the next generation of scientists young and old
Scientists have often invited the public to see what they see, using everything from engraved woodblocks to electron microscopes to explore the complexity of the scientific enterprise and the beauty of life. Sharing these visions through illustrations, photography and videos has allowed laypeople to explore a range of discoveries, from new bird species to the inner workings of the human cell. […] … learn more→

The challenges of research project leadership: Think ahead, be prepared
Project leadership is a complex, tricky beast. My first experience of leading a funded research project took place in 1989, in the UK. Since that time, I have been principal investigator (PI) on four projects funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and co-investigator on two others, as well as […] … learn more→

How to dissuade parents from believing in anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories
Older people may be more vulnerable to COVID, but in the UK it’s the young that are now driving the pandemic. Last month, school-age children in Britain were 15 times more likely than people over 80 to have the coronavirus. Leaving young people unvaccinated partly explains why cases have been so high in this group. This is […] … learn more→

Blue light filters for screens neither care for your eyes nor help you rest
We are continually bombarded with messages that warn that we are making excessive use of screens that directly affects our vision. There are many advertisements that urge us to use filters to block the blue light from these screens before it is too late. “It will improve your rest”, “It will reduce visual fatigue caused by electronic […] … learn more→