Finally, the announced merger between the publishing group Editis, owned by Vivendi, and Hachette, a subsidiary of Lagardère, should not take place. After months of various noises, Vincent Bolloré, the boss of the media giant Vivendi, has decided to sell the very Franco-French Editis to a foreign buyer so as not to have to face […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: July 2022

The Vivendi-Hachette operation : an illustration of the globalization of publishing

Learning artificial intelligence in high school is possible
Lucía is 16 years old and has been using her cell phone for almost everything for four years. But this year, in her Artificial Intelligence (AI) class at her high school, she has used it for something she never imagined was possible. Through the camera, microphone and touch screen of her own smartphone, and using a free […] … learn more→

Children’s fiction: do new heroines really break gender stereotypes?
The influence of fictional characters on the representation of norms of femininity and masculinity among young people is a subject often discussed from the point of view of literature aimed at them. In this category, with the exception of romance plots, female characters have long remained secondary. Publishing houses dedicated to a child audience have thus […] … learn more→

Women are better at statistics than they think
Women in statistics classes do better academically than men over a semester despite having more negative attitudes regarding their own abilities, according to our recent study in the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education. Using data from more than 100 male and female students from multiple statistics classes, my colleague and I assessed gender differences in grades over […] … learn more→

The real-world benefits of volunteering for College students
It’s factually proven that contributing to each other's community and helping one another in a positive approach and in strong ways makes them feel good. Having impactful actions always does good, and when it comes to college students, you can never ignore how helpful volunteering is. Spending some genuine time volunteering in college can be […] … learn more→

Proclaim debt amnesty throughout all the land? A biblical solution to a present-day problem
Student loan debt is one of the most burdensome forms of debt in America today. According to oft-cited statistics, approximately 43 million Americans have student loan debt, cumulatively amounting to around US$1.7 trillion. The exorbitant costs of higher education in the United States, combined with the fact that educational credentials serve as a ticket to decent employment, require […] … learn more→

Shall we meet to do homework? Benefits and drawbacks of studying in a group
“I have arranged to study at the library”: although skepticism is inevitable when listening to a sentence of this style pronounced by a teenager, the truth is that studying with friends can be not only more entertaining, but also more profitable . In fact, silence and accessibility to work resources, such as the Internet, computers or reference […] … learn more→

Five ways to help your child when they are bullied at school
Bullying is one of the biggest concerns parents have for their child’s safety and well-being – and it often leaves many of us stressed and dizzy. A study conducted by the National Center for Social Research (NatCen) in the UK found that 47% of children reported experiencing bullying at the age of 14. Often the victims are minorities and marginalized groups. However, […] … learn more→

London 2012 Olympics: how it boosted medal winning but failed to inspire a generation
Ten years ago, London hosted the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Hosting the Games had been sold to the British public on the slogan that it would “inspire a generation”. The idea of inspiring a generation chimed with the basic aim of the Olympic Movement, which is to “build a better world”. It seeks to do this by […] … learn more→

Should we teach children to control their emotions?
Multiple advances in various fields, especially in the neurosciences, have greatly expanded our understanding of emotions. But, despite this, in our culture we still tend to distinguish between two sides of the same coin: on one side is reason, knowledge, serenity, goodness… and on the opposite side are passions, error, debauchery, evil. Aristotle already told us that […] … learn more→