Monthly Archives: July 2022

Has Google developed conscious AI?

Has Google developed conscious AI?

Blake Lemoine could have been the hero of a science fiction film. Employed at Google, his mission was to ensure that LaMDA , a robot created to converse with humans (or chat bot), did not present biased comments to users and avoid sexist or racist comments, for example. But, over the course of his exchanges with artificial intelligence, the engineer […] … learn more→

Who are the protagonists of the story we teach?

Who are the protagonists of the story we teach?

In 2009, the newspaper El Norte de Castilla published an interview with the recently deceased Fernando García de Cortázar , in which he presented his book Little history of the world , aimed at children. In it, the historian affirmed: “The disinterest in history exists because it has been told badly.” The Bilbao historian was right: history is told (and taught) badly because, traditionally, […] … learn more→

Why is tech giant Apple trying to teach our teachers?

Why is tech giant Apple trying to teach our teachers?

Apple products are already a central part of our lives in so many ways. We use them to work, socialise, monitor our heart rates, pay for things and watch TV. But did you know they are also involved in teaching school teachers? The shift to online learning following COVID-19 is not only for students. Teachers now also […] … learn more→

How do we teach young people about climate change? We can start with this comic

How do we teach young people about climate change? We can start with this comic

We know young people are “angry, frustrated and scared” about climate change. And they want to do more to stop it. However, the school system is not set up to help them address their concerns and learn the information they seek. There are no explicit mentions of climate change in the Australian primary school curriculum […] … learn more→

Gossip has long been misunderstood – here’s how it can help your work and social life

Gossip has long been misunderstood – here’s how it can help your work and social life

Gossip gets a bad rap – from tabloids full of salacious celebrity gossip, to the badly-behaved teens of television programmes like Gossip Girl. But while it might get dismissed or reported as unsubstantiated rumour, gossip is a key part of politics and the way the world works. Gossipy women are over represented in popular images of gossip. […] … learn more→

5 ways to deal with burnout at work

5 ways to deal with burnout at work

Work has become an around-the-clock activity, courtesy of the pandemic and technology that makes us reachable anytime, anywhere. Throw in expectations to deliver fast and create faster and it becomes hard to take a step back. Not surprisingly, many of us are feeling burned out. Burnout — which often affects women more than men — happens everywhere. Particularly challenged […] … learn more→

Racial gaps in college graduation widened under funding model meant to boost performance

Racial gaps in college graduation widened under funding model meant to boost performance

Performance-based funding – a policy in which states fund public colleges based on certain student outcomes, such as how many students graduate – hasn’t benefited all students equally in Tennessee and Ohio. That’s according to a study in which we analyze U.S. Department of Education data on public colleges and universities in these states between 2004-2015. We […] … learn more→

Learn to swim: bet on aquatic ease to fight against drowning

Learn to swim: bet on aquatic ease to fight against drowning

In 2021, the Public Health France survey recorded, from June 1 to  September 30, 1,480 accidental drownings , 27% of which led to death. It is the youngest and the oldest who are the most affected by this scourge. Children under 6 represent 22% of accidental drownings and 6% of deaths, and people over 65 represent 26% and 41% respectively. It should […] … learn more→

Is it easier to be multilingual than bilingual?

Is it easier to be multilingual than bilingual?

You may have heard that our brains are powerful computers . Although we are capable of processing a lot of information simultaneously, that power would be insufficient in the constant overload of stimuli and information in which we live if it were not for the fact that our minds also do other things very well: predict, adapt, reuse ; do more […] … learn more→

Improving science literacy means changing science education

Improving science literacy means changing science education

To graduate with a science major, college students must complete between 40 and 60 credit hours of science coursework. That means spending around 2,500 hours in the classroom throughout their undergraduate career. However, research has shown that despite all that effort, most college science courses give students only a fragmented understanding of fundamental scientific concepts. The teaching […] … learn more→