Monthly Archives: July 2022

James Webb Telescope: a scientist explains what its first, amazing images show – and how it will change astronomy

James Webb Telescope: a scientist explains what its first, amazing images show – and how it will change astronomy

After decades of development and many trials and frustrations along the way, the James Webb Telescope has finally started to deliver what it came for. On July 12, Nasa released the first science observations made by the suite of instruments carried on board the mission, marking what we eagerly anticipate will be the beginning of a new era […] … learn more→

From shopping lists to jokes on the fridge – 6 ways parents can help their primary kids learn to write well

From shopping lists to jokes on the fridge – 6 ways parents can help their primary kids learn to write well

Learning how to be a confident and communicative writer is one of the most important skills students learn at school. But NAPLAN results show a significant decline in Australian students’ writing performance. Research for the period to 2018, shows year nine students performed nearly 1.5 years behind the average student in 2011. International studies have also raised concerns about […] … learn more→

Understanding Google Analytics 4 training

Understanding Google Analytics 4 training

Google has introduced many software solutions, including Google Analytics, a tool used to collect and analyze web traffic data. Businesses across the globe are using Google Analytics to track the interactions of their users with their websites. Google Analytics not only aids in tracking website visitors but also helps businesses measure their Key Performance Indicators […] … learn more→

Educational benefits of traveling the world

Educational benefits of traveling the world

Most people know traveling as a form of entertainment, but do you know it is a form of education, too? Students and individuals willing to enlarge their horizons can benefit from educational travel. Apart from the apparent advantage of getting to know cultures other than yours, trips can enrich you with valuable experiences and learning […] … learn more→

Gifted-student screenings often miss poor students who should qualify

Gifted-student screenings often miss poor students who should qualify

High-achieving students from low-income backgrounds are half as likely to be placed in a gifted program as their more affluent peers, according to our new study. Arkansas, like all the other states, has a unique process for identifying gifted kids. We wondered whether academically advanced students – the top 5% of scorers in math and literacy, who are […] … learn more→

Paying to publish in Open Access journals: Is all that glitters gold?

Paying to publish in Open Access journals: Is all that glitters gold?

More and more scientific journals are announcing their move to open access. From that moment on, all the articles they publish can be freely read. Who is going to be against such a laudable movement that seeks to make scientific publications open access? Bearing in mind that every product costs money and that scientific publications are no […] … learn more→

‘Stranger Things’ shows how conspiracy theories take hold and do harm

‘Stranger Things’ shows how conspiracy theories take hold and do harm

Stranger Things’ most recent season, which set Netflix viewership milestones and had an estimated budget of $30 million per episode, has a subplot focused around a famed conspiracy of satanism tied to children playing Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) in the 1980s. And it’s one that does a pretty good job mirroring the issues society has with conspiracy theory today. On […] … learn more→

Richer schools’ students run faster: how the inequality in sport flows through to health

Richer schools’ students run faster: how the inequality in sport flows through to health

Cross-town sporting rivalry between the kids from the wealthy school and those from the country school – or the poorer suburbs – has been fodder for Hollywood movies such as Friday Night Lights, McFarland USA, Coach Carter, The Mighty Ducks and Hoosiers. We like to believe sport is the great leveller and privilege doesn’t matter […] … learn more→

‘Screen time’ for kids is an outdated concept, so let’s ditch it and focus on quality instead

‘Screen time’ for kids is an outdated concept, so let’s ditch it and focus on quality instead

It is school holidays in Australia and, in many parts of the country, it’s also raining and bitterly cold. This means many children are stuck indoors and many parents will be grappling with how much “screen time” their kids are having. As as early childhood researcher and parent to a four-year-old, this is a question […] … learn more→