Monthly Archives: April 2023

6 of 8 Ivy Leagues will soon have women as presidents — an expert explains why this matters

6 of 8 Ivy Leagues will soon have women as presidents — an expert explains why this matters

Felecia Commodore, an associate professor of higher education at Old Dominion University, explains what this means for gender equity in the college presidency – and why U.S. colleges and universities still have a long way to go. Why does this matter? While women make up about 60% of undergraduate as well as master’s and doctoral students in the U.S., […] … learn more→

What is developmental coordination disorder and how to detect it as soon as possible

What is developmental coordination disorder and how to detect it as soon as possible

In the child population, motor skills are associated with socio-emotional development , academic performance and the level of physical activity. When the latter is low, it is related to a sedentary lifestyle and obesity . Currently, many children have low levels of physical activity and motor difficulties. In addition, the covid-19 pandemic has led to fewer opportunities for children to develop motor skills. How and […] … learn more→

An average day as a pharmacist

An average day as a pharmacist

Pharmacists are an integral part of the healthcare system.They are responsible for dispensing medications and providing advice on their appropriate use. They work in a variety of settings, including retail pharmacies, hospitals and clinics. The role of a pharmacist is crucial in ensuring patient safety, and it requires a high level of expertise and attention […] … learn more→

Math Anxiety: How to Help a Child Overcome It

Math Anxiety: How to Help a Child Overcome It

Math anxiety is a feeling of tension and worry that interferes with a person’s ability to solve math problems. Researchers distinguish it from general anxiety or exam anxiety, although this may overlap. This math- related anxiety usually develops following a series of bad experiences that trigger negative thought patterns in relation to one’s math potential. These thoughts can manifest themselves as an avoidance of […] … learn more→

Young children's concept of time and its importance in learning

Young children’s concept of time and its importance in learning

Time is a complex concept to explain, and even more so to define. The classical definition differentiates between physical time, as a phenomenon of physical science, and human time, which allows ordering the sequence of events, establishing a past, a present and a future. The complexity of time is not only given in the definition, but […] … learn more→

Tackling online misogyny: what needs to be done in schools – and our communities

Tackling online misogyny: what needs to be done in schools – and our communities

Research from the Children’s Commissioner for England has found that 79% of children have encountered violent pornography before they are 18. One-third of young people have reported receiving nude videos or photographs, with more than half sent from strangers. There has also been a dramatic rise of hyper-masculine social media influencers, causing alarm among teachers and teaching unions. These […] … learn more→

‘I started walking the long way’: many young women first experience street harassment in their school uniforms

‘I started walking the long way’: many young women first experience street harassment in their school uniforms

Can you remember the first time you were harassed in a public space? What comes to mind? Can you remember how old you were, or what you were doing? Perhaps this is not something you have personally experienced, although we know 87% of young Australian women have been harassed in public. We spoke to 47 adult women […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Essentializing

“The other side of words”: Essentializing

To say that “women are talkative”, that “Africans have rhythm in their skin” or that “the French are rude”, is not just a stereotype, that is to say a ready-made opinion on an individual or a group, it is also a form of essentialization. This term has appeared in recent years with the debates about identities and it is […] … learn more→

Will AI replace customer support?

Will AI replace customer support?

Providing excellent service to customers and addressing their problems and queries timely is essential for businesses’ success. Human agents who are specially trained to aid customers and find solutions to their problems have always been the standard in customer service. Nowadays, many companies are implementing advanced AI customer service systems to serve their customers better. […] … learn more→

How ‘TeachTok’ is helping teachers connect with their students on TikTok

How ‘TeachTok’ is helping teachers connect with their students on TikTok

Before social media, students rarely knew their teachers beyond their professional position in the classroom. Perhaps we might bump into them in the neighbourhood, at a supermarket, or in a restaurant. But as students, we knew little about teachers “off duty”. Today, much has changed. During COVID, many teachers joined the social media platform TikTok as a […] … learn more→