Monthly Archives: June 2023

Sport for the youngest: let's seek learning, not performance

Sport for the youngest: let’s seek learning, not performance

The main purpose of sport during the early formative stages, whether at school or in sports clubs, should be to contribute to the comprehensive education of young people through their practice and learning. For this, it is essential to flee from traditional approaches more typical of adult sports, and bet on a teaching linked to educational […] … learn more→

Why social networks accustom us to violence

Why social networks accustom us to violence

Can a single individual change the opinion, or influence the emotions of a group of people? What is the impact of a social group on our behavior? Social influence is the power of interaction with other individuals to influence our positions, beliefs, and values. It is key when we analyze violent behavior. People experience an innate need to be accepted and approved, […] … learn more→

Managing research teams

Managing research teams

Collaborating with other researchers or external partners can be challenging but using project management strategies for planning, communication and decision making can help. Many academics undertake their PhD and post-doctoral fellowships as solo projects. That training and experience may not prepare them for coordinating project teams or collaborating with partners external to the university. Team […] … learn more→

Saying that students embrace censorship on college campuses is incorrect – here’s how to discuss the issue more constructively

Saying that students embrace censorship on college campuses is incorrect – here’s how to discuss the issue more constructively

The claim that college students censor viewpoints with which they disagree is now common. Versions of this claim include the falsehoods that students “shut down” most invited speakers to campuses, reject challenging ideas and oppose conservative views. Such cynical distortions dominate discussions of higher education today, misinform the public and threaten both democracy and higher education. Indeed, politicians in states such […] … learn more→

Distance education tutors don’t need any formal qualifications – we should make this role a career

Distance education tutors don’t need any formal qualifications – we should make this role a career

There are an estimated 24,000-plus students who study by distance education in Australia. While their lessons are delivered remotely, by law, all of these students still need to be supervised by somebody in person. This is the role of the “remote education tutor”, who is thelink betweenthe student and the teacher. Despite the vital work they do, […] … learn more→

Young children’s words predict reading ability — 5 ways parents and caregivers can help grow them

Young children’s words predict reading ability — 5 ways parents and caregivers can help grow them

Becoming a proficient reader holds endless possibilities for a child. These opportunties include long-term academic achievement and educational opportunities, daily life and eventual workplace success — and the magic of being transported to the world of fantasy and mystery, limited only by the imagination. It’s a complex process that unfolds gradually in recognizable stages. Young learners must see […] … learn more→

Parcoursup: adolescents facing the stress of career choices

Parcoursup: adolescents facing the stress of career choices

Orientation is a source of considerable stress for young people. If it is often at the end of the school year, during the dissemination of post-baccalaureate admission results, that public opinion becomes aware of it, this phenomenon goes well beyond the deadlines of the end of the school year. It would affect two thirds of young people aged 18 […] … learn more→

AI clones made from user data pose uncanny risks

AI clones made from user data pose uncanny risks

Imagine, if you will, a digital doppelgänger. A clone that looks, talks and behaves just like you, created from the depths of artificial intelligence, reflecting your every mannerism with eerie precision. As thrilling as it might sound, how would you feel about it? Our research at the University of British Columbia turns the spotlight onto […] … learn more→

About Stefan Soloviev: Leading diverse industries to new horizons

About Stefan Soloviev: Leading diverse industries to new horizons

In the realm of business leadership and entrepreneurial success, few individuals embody diversity and innovation as significantly as Stefan Soloviev. With a firm foothold in industries as varied as real estate, agriculture, and infrastructure, Soloviev’s leadership has bridged sectors and catalyzed growth, paving new horizons for the diverse industries he leads. A Rich Legacy and […] … learn more→