All economic sectors are currently undergoing accelerated digital transformation. This forces workers to master computer skills and competencies closely linked to information and communication technologies (called ICTs) and generative artificial intelligence (AI). There are competencies or skills that are essential for the new professions that are emerging: adaptation to change, analytical thinking, creative thinking and flexibility, […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: October 2023

What computer skills should I add to my resume?

Finding your favorite writers
Everyone has favorite writers. Books and other scholars that they return to again and again. Well, if you don’t, perhaps you might consider it. Some of my favorite writings speak to my current work. Other writing is not so obviously useful. In fact its very pleasure might well lie in its non-immediacy. In the fact […] … learn more→

How to use intelligent export of audio and video from Mindmaps to improve daily efficiency?
Were you looking for mind-mapping software to efficiently organize your complex ideas creatively? In that case, your best option might be using Edrawmind, a cross-platform with multi-functional features. While using this software, you would come across various mind maps from which choosing one might not be challenging. On using Edrawmind, you can scroll through multiple […] … learn more→

What children understand about the digital world
Since the start of the 2016 school year , it is planned that primary school and middle school will provide computer science education. This may seem paradoxical: aren’t all children already confronted with digital tools, in their leisure time, from video games to tablets, and, to a lesser extent, in their school life, since the development of digital […] … learn more→

Evolution revolution: how a Cape Town museum exhibit is rewriting the story of humankind
Picture your typical human evolution museum display. You walk into a dimly lit space with glass boxes on white plinths or roped off areas. There are lots and lots of bones. Maybe a bit of history on how those bones were collected, and pictures of the famous people – usually men – who collected them. […] … learn more→

Tips for learning a language as an adult
When adults and seniors face the need to learn a new language or choose this learning voluntarily, there are many doubts that arise and that can stop the new company or slow down its evolution, if it is finally undertaken. Learning a language as an adult brings objective advantages , among which stands out a greater awareness […] … learn more→

6 books to help talk to your child about climate change
Many children and young people are anxious about climate change and what it means for their futures. But adults can face the dilemma of how to talk to children about these incredibly serious issues without upsetting them further. We are educational linguists investigating how writers and illustrators communicate ideas related to climate change to children. Books are an important way to help conversations […] … learn more→

We fact-checked residential school denialists and debunked their ‘mass grave hoax’ theory
Recently a politician from a village in Prince Edward Island displayed an offensive sign on his property in which he proclaimed there is a “mass grave hoax” regarding the former Indian Residential Schools in Canada. Although many have called for him to resign, he is just one of many people who subscribe to this false theory. A hoax is […] … learn more→

AI is closer than ever to passing the Turing test for ‘intelligence’. What happens when it does?
In 1950, British computer scientist Alan Turing proposed an experimental method for answering the question: can machines think? He suggested if a human couldn’t tell whether they were speaking to an artificially intelligent (AI) machine or another human after five minutes of questioning, this would demonstrate AI has human-like intelligence. Although AI systems remained far […] … learn more→

Parents make mistakes. So what does ‘good enough parenting’ look like?
There is a huge amount of pressure on parents today – from feeding babies the “best organic purees” to making sure older children get all the developmental opportunities they could possibly need, while of course documenting the whole thing on Instagram. There is also no shortage of advice about how to go about this. Just as […] … learn more→