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Kevin is founder of the project. The past 28 years have been involved in publishing to the education sector in print and the internet. Kevin has a degree in Education and has a many years experience in developing companies and projects.
Declining PhD student numbers are a warning sign for NZ’s future knowledge economy

Declining PhD student numbers are a warning sign for NZ’s future knowledge economy

The decline in the number of doctoral candidates at New Zealand universities is a worrying sign for the country’s effort to build a knowledge-based economy. Aotearoa New Zealand’s economic trajectory has long been characterised by its reliance on primary commodities, such as unprocessed forestry exports, where high volume and relatively low value are common. Successive […] … learn more→

IOTA, the technology that will transform the Internet of Things

IOTA, the technology that will transform the Internet of Things

In an increasingly digitalized and interconnected world, concern about cybersecurity is growing among users. Just days ago, the global collapse of Microsoft left millions of users without access to critical tools in thousands of public and private companies . This incident shows us the vulnerability of our systems and the urgent need to adopt secure solutions. As a society, […] … learn more→

Good feedback is an art – here’s how I teach it

Good feedback is an art – here’s how I teach it

Title of Course: “Feedback Loops: How to Give and Receive High-Quality Feedback” What prompted the idea for this course? Given that my students pursue careers in an incredibly wide range of fields – business, philanthropy, sports, medicine, finance, human rights, education – I wanted to teach them skills that could serve a general purpose. Being […] … learn more→

How AI bots spread misinformation online and undermine democratic politics

How AI bots spread misinformation online and undermine democratic politics

Consider a typical morning routine: coffee in hand, you peruse Twitter (now rebranded as X) to catch up on the news. Headlines appear among a flurry of tweets on everything from memes about political leaders to cultural Marxism, free speech, making America great again and draining the swamp. Before your day has even begun, a burst of […] … learn more→

AI tutors could be coming to the classroom – but who taught the tutor, and should you trust them?

AI tutors could be coming to the classroom – but who taught the tutor, and should you trust them?

The government recently announced ambitions to expand the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in New Zealand’s classrooms. But as the technology rapidly changes, it is not clear how this would work or what it will mean for teachers and learners. Science Minister Judith Collins’ vision is for every student to have their own AI tutor. […] … learn more→

Will replacing personal statements with application questions make university admissions fairer?

Will replacing personal statements with application questions make university admissions fairer?

Prospective students will no longer be asked to write personal statements as part of their application to university in the UK, the admissions organisation Ucas has announced. Instead of writing a single 4,000 character personal statement, from 2026 applicants will instead have to answer three questions. These ask why they want to study a particular course, […] … learn more→

An academic publisher has struck an AI data deal with Microsoft – without their authors’ knowledge

An academic publisher has struck an AI data deal with Microsoft – without their authors’ knowledge

In May, a multibillion-dollar UK-based multinational called Informa announced in a trading update that it had signed a deal with Microsoft involving “access to advanced learning content and data, and a partnership to explore AI expert applications”. Informa is the parent company of Taylor & Francis, which publishes a wide range of academic and technical books and journals, […] … learn more→

Is your child’s photo on their school Facebook page? What does this mean for their privacy?

Is your child’s photo on their school Facebook page? What does this mean for their privacy?

If you search most primary or high school websites, you will likely find a images of happy, smiling children. Students images are also used publicly for school newsletters, social media accounts and other school publications like annual reports. Parents could reasonably expect schools and educations departments have conducted thorough checks and evaluations to do this. […] … learn more→

It’s hard to reach out to old friends, but doing so may help alleviate loneliness

It’s hard to reach out to old friends, but doing so may help alleviate loneliness

Millions of Canadians are lonely. This is worrisome because loneliness, defined by the World Health Organization as “the social pain of not feeling connected,” predicts both lower mental and physical health. Research shows that lacking a sense of social connection can pose an equivalent health risk to smoking 15 cigarettes per day. To combat loneliness, people are […] … learn more→