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Is your child’s photo on their school Facebook page? What does this mean for their privacy?

Is your child’s photo on their school Facebook page? What does this mean for their privacy?

If you search most primary or high school websites, you will likely find a images of happy, smiling children. Students images are also used publicly for school newsletters, social media accounts and other school publications like annual reports. Parents could reasonably expect schools and educations departments have conducted thorough checks and evaluations to do this. […] … learn more→

After more than 40 years, the federal right to free education for immigrant students finds itself in the crosshairs of conservatives

After more than 40 years, the federal right to free education for immigrant students finds itself in the crosshairs of conservatives

Texas once had a law that allowed public schools to charge tuition for undocumented immigrant families to send their children to school. The rationale was that taxpayer dollars should not be spent educating children whose families were not in the U.S. legally. When the Supreme Court struck down the law  in 1982, it held that young […] … learn more→

‘My brain leaves the room’: what happens when teachers talk too much?

‘My brain leaves the room’: what happens when teachers talk too much?

\About four students in every classroom will have a language or attention disorder. While some of these students will have an official diagnosis of developmental language disorder (DLD) or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), others will be “hiding in plain sight”. These students may often be in trouble for acting out, underachieving or not attending school. In our new study, we interviewed […] … learn more→

How to create mini reading clubs for the classroom in any subject

How to create mini reading clubs for the classroom in any subject

Our first interaction with written words occurs when we are told stories at home. From that moment on, and especially at school, we acquire and perfect the ability to read. A learning that we perfect throughout our lives. At school, starting from primary school, reading is directly present in all subjects. In all subjects it […] … learn more→

Summer camps, 150 years of history

Summer camps, 150 years of history

Like every year, at the start of the summer holidays, hundreds of thousands of young people will prepare their suitcases (or their backpacks) to go to summer camp. We commonly call “holiday camp” (this term is no longer legal) stays organized during school holidays for children aged 3 to 17. These stays, without parents, lasting […] … learn more→

The challenge of maintaining order in the classroom: causes and solutions

The challenge of maintaining order in the classroom: causes and solutions

Imagine a room with seven powerful amplifiers centralized through a state-of-the-art computer. Each one plays a different sound source. The computer is configured by default with a program that executes these commands randomly: Devices 2 and 4: progressive activation of the volume up to its maximum intensity and immediate disconnection. Devices 1, 3 and 5: […] … learn more→

Writers: how travel writing shapes youth

Writers: how travel writing shapes youth

It is a classic in our libraries. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe tells the adventures of a hero shipwrecked on a desert island who learns to live by exploiting the resources of his environment. Since its publication in 1719, this story has been given to read to millions of children around the world. The fascination for elsewhere that […] … learn more→

Schoolchildren at university: spaces of free choice that foster a scientific attitude

Schoolchildren at university: spaces of free choice that foster a scientific attitude

The laughter, noise and hubbub of children often resonate in the Faculty of Social Sciences of Manresa of the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia. An academic context for training teachers who are not afraid of contact with infant schoolchildren (from 3 to 6 years old), in which we have created a laboratory designed to […] … learn more→

How to use electronic devices for learning: cooperative games for teens

How to use electronic devices for learning: cooperative games for teens

Technology, when used well, can be very useful and positive, even in adolescence. In this article, we present a list of digital tools and educational platforms that promote collaborative learning among teenagers, offering beneficial resources for their academic and social development. Tools to use in the classroom Kahoot! is a digital app that allows you to […] … learn more→