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Research shows energy education can be brought to life through religious lessons

Research shows energy education can be brought to life through religious lessons

Energy education or energy saving education in a global context has developed rapidly in various countries, for example in the United States (US) , Europe , and Japan . Energy education research is increasingly offering various perspectives, such as integrated energy education learning in schools and homes , learning by delivering messages of energy-saving social norms , and integrated geospatial curriculum learning with energy topics . Unfortunately, from the […] … learn more→

A new sex education in schools?

A new sex education in schools?

In March 2024, the Higher Council for Programs published a draft program for sex education from kindergarten to high school. Entitled “Education for emotional, relational life and sexuality”, it takes up certain “key ideas” from a report published in 2021 , highlighting the weaknesses of sex education in schools. The challenges of this education are numerous. These include contributing […] … learn more→

How to improve teaching digital competence in teacher training

How to improve teaching digital competence in teacher training

The term “digital native”, coined in 2001 by the American writer Marc Prensky , is no longer unknown to almost anyone: we know that it refers to those people who have grown up in a wave of technological progress that includes the heyday of the internet and digitalization. of the society. However, sometimes, this assumption is nothing […] … learn more→

Not only students, teachers also need to be active on social media. Why?

Not only students, teachers also need to be active on social media. Why?

Social media (social media) are pages or applications that allow users to create and share content or engage in social networks . In Indonesia, the 10 most widely used social media platforms are: WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Telegram, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook Messenger, Pinterest, Kuaishou, and LinkedIn. The popularity of social media has also penetrated the world of education. […] … learn more→

To fight against “subjected” orientation, help young people to become aware of their potential

To fight against “subjected” orientation, help young people to become aware of their potential

Early guidance systems imply a strong responsibility for students, even though training choices are socially constructed. How can we better support middle school students? Implemented by the Official Bulletin since the start of the 2015 school year, the “Avenir” course , which is aimed at students from sixth grade to final year, aims to support students in their thinking […] … learn more→

Will artificial intelligence end language teaching and learning?

Will artificial intelligence end language teaching and learning?

In 2024, the artificial intelligence company Open AI presented GPT4-o, a new large language model ( Large Language Model in English) capable of “reasoning” and interacting with text, image and audio. In one of the videos distributed after the launch, two people use a mobile phone to ask GPT4-o to listen to them and translate from English to Spanish and from […] … learn more→

Dyslexia and bilingualism: a challenge and an opportunity

Dyslexia and bilingualism: a challenge and an opportunity

Martina is 9 years old and is in third grade. This year she begins the bilingual education itinerary, in which natural and social sciences classes are taught in English. Her family is concerned about this new beginning because Martina has a specific difficulty learning to read and write. In reading, she has difficulties in decoding, […] … learn more→

The fear of failing, an obstacle to overcome in Physical Education classes

The fear of failing, an obstacle to overcome in Physical Education classes

The heart begins to accelerate, the tremors are recurrent, the clock passes slowly and we can only think about the remaining turns to make that jump, that 100 meter dash or that somersault that everyone is going to judge… Can anyone remember? A similar situation in physical education class? Fear of failure, understood as the […] … learn more→

Deepfake AI pornography is becoming more common – what can parents and schools do to prevent it?

Deepfake AI pornography is becoming more common – what can parents and schools do to prevent it?

A Victorian school community is reeling after fake, sexually explicit images of female students were generated using artificial intelligence and then shared on social media. About 50 high school students at Bacchus Marsh Grammar had their images altered. A teenage boy has been arrested and released pending further inquiries. Parents have described the images as “incredibly graphic” and “sickening”. […] … learn more→

Shakespeare, Beowulf and Chaucer could be back in the NZ English curriculum – should they be?

Shakespeare, Beowulf and Chaucer could be back in the NZ English curriculum – should they be?

For the second time in as many years, New Zealand’s secondary school English curriculum will be rewritten, a move which has generated disquiet from teachers and academics alike. The revised year 7-13 English curriculum, to be released in July, is expected to include compulsory Shakespeare and grammar lessons, as well as a recommended reading list ranging […] … learn more→