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What does mathematics really say about reality?

What does mathematics really say about reality?

“This immense book that always stands open before our eyes, I mean the Universe […] is written in the language of mathematics  ,” wrote Galileo, the founding figure of modern science. The aim of this article is to question this tenacious presupposition in science, according to which the notions of reality, language and truth maintain robust and […] … learn more→

Could people turn Mars into another Earth? Here’s what it would take to transform its barren landscape into a life-friendly world

Could people turn Mars into another Earth? Here’s what it would take to transform its barren landscape into a life-friendly world

When I was in middle school, my biology teacher showed our class the sci-fi movie “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.” The plot drew me in, with its depiction of the “Genesis Project” – a new technology that transformed a dead alien world into one brimming with life. After watching the movie, my teacher […] … learn more→

Studying Z-Library and PDF Drive's Accessibility

Studying Z-Library and PDF Drive’s Accessibility

Digital libraries like Z-Library and PDF Drive have revolutionized access to information, each serving unique user bases with vast repositories of documents and books. This comprehensive analysis explores the accessibility features and challenges presented by both platforms, offering insights into how they cater to diverse user needs and the limitations they face in ensuring equitable […] … learn more→

Quantum computers are like kaleidoscopes − why unusual metaphors help illustrate science and technology

Quantum computers are like kaleidoscopes − why unusual metaphors help illustrate science and technology

Quantum computing is like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates: You never know what you’re gonna get. Quantum phenomena – the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels – are not definite, one thing or another. They are opaque clouds of possibility or, more precisely, probabilities. When someone observes a quantum system, it loses […] … learn more→

A strange intermittent radio signal from space has astronomers puzzled

A strange intermittent radio signal from space has astronomers puzzled

When astronomers turn our radio telescopes out towards space, we sometimes detect sporadic bursts of radio waves originating from across the vast expanse of the universe. We call them “radio transients”: some erupt only once, never to be seen again, and others flicker on and off in predictable patterns. We think most radio transients come […] … learn more→

Sunken Ship Cargo (BMKT): why do we study ' orphan objects ' to find out where they come from?

Sunken Ship Cargo (BMKT): why do we study ‘ orphan objects ‘ to find out where they come from?

Discussions on maritime issues in Southeast Asia have recently focused on issues such as security, the Blue Economy, law enforcement, and climate change. However, there is one maritime challenge that is less discussed, namely underwater heritage. We are researchers in a project entitled Reuniting Cargoes: Underwater Cultural Heritage of the Maritime Silk Route . Since the 1960s, Southeast Asia […] … learn more→

Do science fiction heroines influence the career choices of adolescent girls?

Do science fiction heroines influence the career choices of adolescent girls?

Do girls have little interest in science? This could be suggested by their persistent under-representation in sectors and professions dedicated to these disciplines . However, research in sociology shows that it is not for lack of taste or skills that they are relatively absent from these fields . An explanation would rather lie in the social norms which influence girls in their choices. If […] … learn more→

Will it be possible to 3D print skin to treat severe burn victims?

Will it be possible to 3D print skin to treat severe burn victims?

In France, each year, more than 400,000 people burn themselves and for 9,000 of them, these burns are serious. Whatever the cause (a hot liquid or object, electricity, flames, chemicals or even exposure to UV rays), these burns cause significant damage to the skin barrier, making burn victims particularly susceptible to infections. Indeed, the skin, the largest organ […] … learn more→

The ‘average’ revolutionized scientific research, but overreliance on it has led to discrimination and injury

The ‘average’ revolutionized scientific research, but overreliance on it has led to discrimination and injury

When analyzing a set of data, one of the first steps many people take is to compute an average. You might compare your height against the average height of people where you live, or brag about your favorite baseball player’s batting average. But while the average can help you study a dataset, it has important […] … learn more→