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ChatGPT: facing the artifices of AI, how media education can help students

ChatGPT: facing the artifices of AI, how media education can help students

Who has never heard of ChatGPT , this generative artificial intelligence, capable of responding with complex texts to queries launched by Internet users? The December 2022 release of this software designed by the OpenAI company sparked a multitude of articles, between visions of catastrophe and utopia, producing a media panic, as illustrated by the open letter of March […] … learn more→

Immersive Web: what if we felt the Internet?

Immersive Web: what if we felt the Internet?

If, today, we are used to surfing the Internet, the tip of a huge iceberg of interconnected data, recent technological developments should soon allow us to immerse ourselves in this bubbling ocean of big data. Immersion aims to provide the user with a sense of presence by using sensory capture and restitution technologies: the user […] … learn more→

Artificial intelligence can support architects but lacks empathy and ethics

Artificial intelligence can support architects but lacks empathy and ethics

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many different industries in recent years. It gained a lot of attention and popularity with the launch of ChatGPT, a tool capable of writing poems, solving equations and producing articles on different topics. With the fast-paced implementation of AI in different fields, will it take the place of architects and architecture schools […] … learn more→

Tool or companion? How we talk to robots says a lot

Tool or companion? How we talk to robots says a lot

Today, everyone talks to machines all day long: from Dragon to Alexa, Siri and voice dictation from your phone, human-machine interaction is more than ever at the heart of our daily lives. . However, this interaction is modulated by many parameters, including how much the machine physically resembles a human. But understanding how we interact with […] … learn more→

What is a ‘toroidal propeller’ and could it change the future of drones? An expert explains

What is a ‘toroidal propeller’ and could it change the future of drones? An expert explains

The basic configuration of traditional propellers has not fundamentally changed since the first powered flight by the Wright brothers in 1903. However, as engineers learn more about aerodynamics and attempt new experiments, propellers are evolving to more complex shapes. These feature multiple blades, high sweep angles, blade tip devices and other features to optimise performance in […] … learn more→

Are you part robot? A linguistic anthropologist explains how humans are like ChatGPT – both recycle language

Are you part robot? A linguistic anthropologist explains how humans are like ChatGPT – both recycle language

ChatGPT is a hot topic at my university, where faculty members are deeply concerned about academic integrity, while administrators urge us to “embrace the benefits” of this “new frontier.” It’s a classic example of what my colleague Punya Mishra calls the “doom-hype cycle” around new technologies. Likewise, media coverage of human-AI interaction – whether paranoid or starry-eyed – tends […] … learn more→

Why so few women in scientific careers?

Why so few women in scientific careers?

There are about 8 billion humans in 2022, 50% of them women. The latter, although as numerous as men, are under-represented in scientific fields. Also, among the 956 Nobel laureates, are there only 60 women , or 6%: would the differences between women and men be such as to justify such a disparity? Natural differences? The first difference […] … learn more→

3 ways to use ChatGPT to help students learn – and not cheat

3 ways to use ChatGPT to help students learn – and not cheat

Since ChatGPT can engage in conversation and generate essays, computer codes, charts and graphs that closely resemble those created by humans, educators worry students may use it to cheat. A growing number of school districts across the country have decided to block access to ChatGPT on computers and networks. As professors of educational psychology and educational technology, we’ve found that the main […] … learn more→

AI clones made from user data pose uncanny risks

AI clones made from user data pose uncanny risks

Imagine, if you will, a digital doppelgänger. A clone that looks, talks and behaves just like you, created from the depths of artificial intelligence, reflecting your every mannerism with eerie precision. As thrilling as it might sound, how would you feel about it? Our research at the University of British Columbia turns the spotlight onto […] … learn more→