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DCIM & ITSM: Are they integrated

DCIM & ITSM: Are they integrated

What is ITSM The backbone for every modern business is Information Technology (IT). The processes in which the IT is maintained in a robust and reliable way while aligning with the need to support the entire life cycle of a product or service is termed as IT Service Management (ITSM). Why is ITSM growing in […] … learn more→

Delivering packages with drones might be good for the environment

Delivering packages with drones might be good for the environment

There are more than 1 million drones registered in the U.S. Most of them belong to people flying them for fun, but a growing number are used commercially. Companies including Amazon, UPS, Google and DHL are already exploring ways to deliver packages with drones instead of trucks. Our new research has measured how that shift would change how the U.S. uses energy, and the […] … learn more→

It’s time to get ready for augmented reality

It’s time to get ready for augmented reality

The world’s largest annual consumer technology show — CES 2018 in Las Vegas — ends today and some of the most exciting gadgets this year were on display in the augmented reality (AR) marketplace. This follows the news, announced in December, that 2018 will be the year the previously secretive company Magic Leap joins the […] … learn more→

How blockchain technology could transform the food industry

How blockchain technology could transform the food industry

There has been a lot of noise on cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin of late. While some suggest cryptocurrencies are a fraud, others believe them to be the next biggest economic revolution the world has seen since the internet. Bitcoin has brought to light blockchain technology, which offers great potential for food safety and verification in the agrifood sector. Yet it […] … learn more→

Is your computer secretly mining bitcoin alternatives? A guide to ‘cryptojacking’

Is your computer secretly mining bitcoin alternatives? A guide to ‘cryptojacking’

Nothing comes for free, especially online. Websites and apps that don’t charge you for their services are often collecting your data or bombarding you with advertising. Now some sites have found a new way to make money from you: using your computer to generate virtual currencies. Several video streaming sites and the popular file sharing network The Pirate Bay have […] … learn more→

Climate scientists and policymakers need to trust each other (but not too much)

Climate scientists and policymakers need to trust each other (but not too much)

At a time when the effects of climate change are accelerating and published science overwhelmingly supports the view that humans are responsible for the rate of change, powerful groups remain in denial across politics, the media, and industry. Now more than ever, we need scientists and policymakers to work together to create and implement effective policy which […] … learn more→

Teaching machines to teach themselves

Teaching machines to teach themselves

Are you tired of telling machines what to do and what not to do? It’s a large part of regular people’s days – operating dishwashers, smartphones and cars. It’s an even bigger part of life for researchers like me, working on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Much of this is even more boring than driving […] … learn more→

The rise of cybercrime: What you need to know

The rise of cybercrime: What you need to know

Did you know that a simple error in awareness can lose you or your organization anywhere from hundreds to millions of dollars? More importantly, do you know how to effectively protect your network infrastructure from a multitude of attacks? Don’t worry. You’re in the right place. Keep reading to discover a number of statistics and […] … learn more→

Does regulating artificial intelligence save humanity or just stifle innovation?

Does regulating artificial intelligence save humanity or just stifle innovation?

Some people are afraid that heavily armed artificially intelligent robotsmight take over the world, enslaving humanity – or perhaps exterminating us. These people, including tech-industry billionaire Elon Musk and eminent physicist Stephen Hawking, say artificial intelligence technology needs to be regulated to manage the risks. But Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg disagree, saying the technology is not nearly advanced enough for […] … learn more→

Google’s new Go-playing AI learns fast, and even thrashed its former self

Google’s new Go-playing AI learns fast, and even thrashed its former self

Just last year Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo took the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by storm, showing that a computer program could beat the world’s best human Go players. But in a demonstration of the feverish rate of progress in modern AI, details of a new milestone reached by an improved version called AlphaGo Zero were published this week in Nature. Using […] … learn more→