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Quantum information science is rarely taught in high school – here’s why that matters

Quantum information science is rarely taught in high school – here’s why that matters

The first time I heard about quantum information science, I was at a teacher development workshop in Canada in 2008. I already knew that quantum science was the study of the smallest objects in nature. I also knew that information science was the study of computers and the internet. What I didn’t know was that quantum information […] … learn more→

How to prove you’ve discovered alien life – new research

How to prove you’ve discovered alien life – new research

In the past few decades, several phenomena have led to excited speculation in the scientific community that they might indeed be indications that there is extraterrestrial life. It will no doubt happen again. Recently, two very different examples sparked excitement. In 2017, it was the mystery interstellar object ‘Oumuamua. And in 2021, it was the possible discovery of the […] … learn more→

Large earthquakes: can we detect them more quickly using AI?

Large earthquakes: can we detect them more quickly using AI?

The provisional toll from the violent earthquake which struck Morocco during the night from Friday to Saturday continues to increase. There are now more than 2,000 dead, the Interior Ministry said. According to the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research, the epicenter of the earthquake was located in the province of al-Haouz, southwest of Marrakech […] … learn more→

Can artificial intelligence help us write creatively?

Can artificial intelligence help us write creatively?

Artificial intelligence offers a variety of tools for writing. Knowing them in depth can be beneficial and help us acquire skills and use them ethically. Currently, it is possible to teach how to work effectively with AI in generating ideas when performing writing tasks, as we have investigated . How does artificial intelligence write? The well-known ChatGPT and other AI […] … learn more→

our iPhone will soon be able to track your mental health with iOS 17, but what are the implications for your well-being?

our iPhone will soon be able to track your mental health with iOS 17, but what are the implications for your well-being?

When Apple’s latest software updates drop this month, users will have access to mental health and wellness features unlike anything currently available in a smartphone. With the Apple Watch and iOS health app, Apple has long striven to cement itself in the health-care tech space. But the new features go beyond the standard heart rate, sleep, calorie and fitness trackers […] … learn more→

Experts alone can’t handle AI – social scientists explain why the public needs a seat at the table

Experts alone can’t handle AI – social scientists explain why the public needs a seat at the table

Are democratic societies ready for a future in which AI algorithmically assigns limited supplies of respirators or hospital beds during pandemics? Or one in which AI fuels an arms race between disinformation creation and detection? Or sways court decisions with amicus briefs written to mimic the rhetorical and argumentative styles of Supreme Court justices? Decades of research show that […] … learn more→

AI systems have learned how to deceive humans. What does that mean for our future?

AI systems have learned how to deceive humans. What does that mean for our future?

Artificial intelligence pioneer Geoffrey Hinton made headlines earlier this year when he raised concerns about the capabilities of AI systems. Speaking to CNN journalist Jake Tapper, Hinton said: If it gets to be much smarter than us, it will be very good at manipulation because it would have learned that from us. And there are very […] … learn more→

How does GPS jamming work?

How does GPS jamming work?

For the majority of us who use a GPS – Global Positioning System – to guide ourselves on a daily basis or on the road to vacation, what a disaster when it doesn’t work! GPS is also widely used in professional and scientific settings, in the transport sector but also in civil engineering, for geolocated services, topography, geodesy […] … learn more→

Google turns 25: the search engine revolutionised how we access information, but will it survive AI?

Google turns 25: the search engine revolutionised how we access information, but will it survive AI?

Today marks an important milestone in the history of the internet: Google’s 25th birthday. With billions of search queries submitted each day, it’s difficult to remember how we ever lived without the search engine. What was it about Google that led it to revolutionise information access? And will artificial intelligence (AI) make it obsolete, or […] … learn more→

How to bring science closer to the little ones?

How to bring science closer to the little ones?

Science has driven human progress with discoveries and innovations throughout history. However, most people, especially young people , are unaware of much scientific knowledge . As teachers and researchers, we have taken on the challenge of bringing young people closer to science. Also to close the gender gap and promote inclusiveness in the scientific field. The main objective is to cultivate a […] … learn more→