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How should a science teacher be in times of ChatGPT?

How should a science teacher be in times of ChatGPT?

There are some recurring issues in the didactics of science that move between the disciplinary, school and everyday world. Why do we teach science? What science should we teach? What implications should it have in society? What values ​​should you promote? To these timeless questions, the one posed by the emergence of artificial intelligence has recently been added. How to […] … learn more→


Is “wokism” really a danger to science?

These days it is common to complain that, given the general concern for minorities and the assertion that social justice should concern everyone, ideology dominates science. Some even go so far as to compare the current research system to Lyssenkism , an erroneous approach to plant genetics promoted by Soviet and Chinese authorities. This is the case of […] … learn more→

Snapchat’s ‘creepy’ AI blunder reminds us that chatbots aren’t people. But as the lines blur, the risks grow

Snapchat’s ‘creepy’ AI blunder reminds us that chatbots aren’t people. But as the lines blur, the risks grow

Artificial intelligence-powered (AI) chatbots are becoming increasingly human-like by design, to the point that some among us may struggle to distinguish between human and machine. This week, Snapchat’s My AI chatbot glitched and posted a story of what looked like a wall and ceiling, before it stopped responding to users. Naturally, the internet began to question whether […] … learn more→

Why the growth of AI in making art won’t eliminate artists

Why the growth of AI in making art won’t eliminate artists

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has been in the news, most recently concerning the Hollywood actors’ strike about the potential impact of AI in filmmaking. Another story involved AI being used to replicate the voice of the Canadian rapper Drake in a track that went viral. These stories raise questions about performers’ rights, and also lead people to wonder: will […] … learn more→

Science-based breakthroughs that can save lives & money

Science-based breakthroughs that can save lives & money

Whenever a new development in the scientific realm leads to real-life breakthroughs, individuals and businesses can achieve better results. That’s the case with recent advances like RAS (robot assisted surgery), car backup cameras, microchips for tracking elderly patients, and teleconferencing. Even older tech inventions like GPS continue to offer users multiple ways to make the […] … learn more→

A chatbot willing to take on questions of all kinds – from the serious to the comical – is the latest representation of Jesus for the AI age

A chatbot willing to take on questions of all kinds – from the serious to the comical – is the latest representation of Jesus for the AI age

Jesus has been portrayed in many different ways: from a prophet who alerts his audience to the world’s imminent end to a philosopher who reflects on the nature of life. But no one has called Jesus an internet guru – that is, until now. In his latest role as an “AI Jesus,” Jesus stands, rather awkwardly, as a white […] … learn more→

Gliding, not searching: Here’s how to reset your view of ChatGPT to steer it to better results

Gliding, not searching: Here’s how to reset your view of ChatGPT to steer it to better results

ChatGPT has exploded in popularity, and people are using it to write articles and essays, generate marketing copy and computer code, or simply as a learning or research tool. However, most people don’t understand how it works or what it can do, so they are either not happy with its results or not using it in a way that can draw out its best […] … learn more→

Can you trust AI? Here’s why you shouldn’t

Can you trust AI? Here’s why you shouldn’t

If you ask Alexa, Amazon’s voice assistant AI system, whether Amazon is a monopoly, it responds by saying it doesn’t know. It doesn’t take much to make it lambaste the other tech giants, but it’s silent about its own corporate parent’s misdeeds. When Alexa responds in this way, it’s obvious that it is putting its developer’s interests […] … learn more→

The hidden cost of the AI boom: social and environmental exploitation

The hidden cost of the AI boom: social and environmental exploitation

Mainstream conversations about artificial intelligence (AI) have been dominated by a few key concerns, such as whether superintelligent AI will wipe us out, or whether AI will steal our jobs. But we’ve paid less attention the various other environmental and social impacts of our “consumption” of AI, which are arguably just as important. Everything we consume […] … learn more→