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How high school students imagine the future in times of crisis

How high school students imagine the future in times of crisis

Adolescence has long been perceived as a period of irresponsibility, where the important thing was above all to “have a good time” and enjoy the present moment. Today, this is no longer the case, far from it. The future is a major concern, both for parents and for young people. More than 80% of the high […] … learn more→

Some people who share fake news on social media actually think they’re helping the world

Some people who share fake news on social media actually think they’re helping the world

  Misinformation is the number one risk facing society over the next two years, according to the World Economic Forum. With key elections due in the US, UK and many other nations this year, an onslaught of political misinformation can be expected. Some of this material is distributed through paid advertising on social media, like the […] … learn more→

Online ‘likes’ for toxic social media posts prompt more − and more hateful − messages

Online ‘likes’ for toxic social media posts prompt more − and more hateful − messages

The rampant increase of hate messages on social media is a scourge in today’s technology-infused society. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia and even personal attacks on people who have the audacity to disagree with someone else’s political opinion – these and other forms of online hate present an ugly side of humanity. The derision on social media appears in vile and […] … learn more→

Children in care: digital technology, a means of “creating family”?

Children in care: digital technology, a means of “creating family”?

The widespread use of screens is raising many concerns in the public space about the development of children as well as the risky practices of adolescents. Social reactions linked to their digital uses mainly focus on risks and dangers. Questions of juvenile sexuality are attracting attention, whether it concerns the accessibility of pornographic content online , the exchange […] … learn more→

Why the man-hating feminist is a myth – according to science

Why the man-hating feminist is a myth – according to science

As part of the “Women Against Feminism” campaign that launched in 2014, social media posts have featured young women holding placards with the message “I don’t need feminism because…” listing various reasons ranging from “I respect men” to “I am not a MAN-HATER”. This perception of misandry – a hatred of men – is perhaps the most […] … learn more→

Why the future might not be where you think it is

Why the future might not be where you think it is

Imagine the future. Where is it for you? Do you see yourself striding towards it? Perhaps it’s behind you. Maybe it’s even above you. And what about the past? Do you imagine looking over your shoulder to see it? How you answer these questions will depend on who you are and where you come from. […] … learn more→

Is it bad to be a helicopter parent?

Is it bad to be a helicopter parent?

The expression of helicopter parents emerges from a testimony in the 1969 book Between parents and adolescents by Israeli psychologist Haim Ginott . In it, a teenager expressed feeling constantly supervised by his mother, as if a helicopter was flying over him. In the 1990s, the term reappeared in the famous best-selling book Parenting with Love and Logic by American popularizers Foster Cline and Jim […] … learn more→

Social media content in times of war: an expert guide on how to keep violence off your feeds

Social media content in times of war: an expert guide on how to keep violence off your feeds

Social media platforms are a great source of information and entertainment. They also help us to maintain contact with friends and family. But social media can also – and has, often – become a toxic environment for spreading disinformation, hatred and conflict. Most people can’t or don’t want to opt out of social media. Efforts by courts and state […] … learn more→