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How have textbooks portrayed climate change?

How have textbooks portrayed climate change?

Back in 2007, the world’s foremost body charged with assessing climate change stated with “very high confidence” that humans were a primary driver of climate change. But you may not get the message that humans are responsible for climate change if you peered into some of the most popular high school curriculum materials that were produced in […] … learn more→

Why we must save the Endangered Species Act from the Trump administration

Why we must save the Endangered Species Act from the Trump administration

In the 1984-like Newspeak of the Trump Interior Ministry, officials are broadcasting plans to “modernize” and “improve” the Endangered Species Act, even as the Head of the Ministry issues decrees to undermine its reach and effectiveness. Since taking office, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke has set out to eviscerate the act by restricting and manipulating […] … learn more→

Green is the new black: why retailers want you to know about their green credentials

Green is the new black: why retailers want you to know about their green credentials

Australian supermarkets phasing out single-use plastic bags is just one example of how retailers are fiercely engaged in a race to be “green”. Other examples are dumping plastic straws, buying back used products and reducing unnecessary packaging. Rather than competing on price or time, green credentials offer a way for retailers to differentiate themselves. Encouraging […] … learn more→

Impact of recycled auto parts on the environment

Impact of recycled auto parts on the environment

Even though natural resources like trees, air, water, and oil are limited; this has not stopped the growing demand for them. The growth in population and the corresponding request for these limited resources is actually a little frightening. That is why we as a society should practice conserving and recycling our resources. Millions of people […] … learn more→

Five ways India must help its farmers face the threat of climate change

Five ways India must help its farmers face the threat of climate change

Climate change could hurt farmers’ income by up to 20-25% in the medium term, according to the Indian government’s latest annual economic survey. Extreme weather events, temperature rise and lower rainfall all threaten to derail the Indian government’s agenda of doubling farmers’ income across the country. There are ways to counter this, however. New technology and […] … learn more→

Sustainable shopping: how to stay green when buying white goods

Sustainable shopping: how to stay green when buying white goods

Most of us have a range of white goods in our homes. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, common appliances include refrigerators (in 99.9% of homes), washing machines (97.8%) and air conditioners (74.0%). Just over half of Australian households have a dishwasher, and a similar number have a clothes dryer. These white goods provide a […] … learn more→

Sustainable shopping: want to eat healthy? Try an eco-friendly diet

Sustainable shopping: want to eat healthy? Try an eco-friendly diet

Following our annual Christmas overindulgence, many of us have set ambitious goals for the year ahead. But eating healthy shouldn’t just mean cutting down on snacks; given the environmental impact of food production, a more sustainable diet should feature high on everyone’s list of New Year’s resolutions. Australians have one of the largest per capita dietary environmental […] … learn more→

Sustainable shopping: is it possible to fly sustainably?

Sustainable shopping: is it possible to fly sustainably?

Many Australians will have just jetted back from a well-deserved summer holiday over the Christmas and New Year period. Plenty of us tend to board a plane without thinking about what it’s doing to the environment, but perhaps we should. In global terms, Australians fly a lot. In the past year, the aviation industry transported […] … learn more→

Sustainable Shopping: the eco-friendly guide to online Christmas shopping

Sustainable Shopping: the eco-friendly guide to online Christmas shopping

Online shopping has recently smashed retail records worldwide, while its growth has continued significantly in Australia. With Christmas just around the corner, Australia Post expects this to be the busiest year it has ever seen. December is the largest buying month in Australia, with online shopping hitting its peak during the Christmas period. In 2016, total online spending hit […] … learn more→