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Can marketing classes teach sustainability? 4 key insights

Can marketing classes teach sustainability? 4 key insights

Young adults have an important role to play in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Adopted by all UN member nations, the SDGs offer a frame for an ambitious plan to transform our world for the better. Engaging young adults in meaningful discussions can lead to transformative learning — and action is key […] … learn more→

Green jobs are booming, but too few employees have sustainability skills to fill them – here are 4 ways to get training

Green jobs are booming, but too few employees have sustainability skills to fill them – here are 4 ways to get training

To meet today’s global sustainability challenges, the corporate world needs more than a few chief sustainability officers – it needs an army of employees, in all areas of business, thinking about sustainability in their decisions every day. That means product designers, supply managers, economists, scientists, architects and many others with the knowledge to both recognize unsustainable […] … learn more→

About one-third of the food Americans buy is wasted, hurting the climate and consumers’ wallets

About one-third of the food Americans buy is wasted, hurting the climate and consumers’ wallets

You saw it at Thanksgiving, and you’ll likely see it at your next holiday feast: piles of unwanted food – unfinished second helpings, underwhelming kitchen experiments and the like – all dressed up with no place to go, except the back of the refrigerator. With luck, hungry relatives will discover some of it before the inevitable […] … learn more→

Free schools guide about inclusiveness and climate science is not ideological — it’s based on evidence

Free schools guide about inclusiveness and climate science is not ideological — it’s based on evidence

A recently released policy guide book for teachers and schools has been receiving some criticism. For instance, an article in the Daily Telegraph claimed: Teachers are being told not to use phrases like “girls and boys”, “normal” and “other” in class – but they should make students aware of “superdiversity” and “declare a climate change emergency” […] … learn more→

Debate: how to teach from the United Nations sustainable development goals?

Debate: how to teach from the United Nations sustainable development goals?

The thermo-industrial civilization has produced remarkable teaching and learning methods in the service of its development on the basis of science and technology. Thus the success of the engineer’s model and associated schools. Today, we must build collectively and on a planetary scale, a shift of this civilization, towards the abandonment of fossil fuels. Already, and even […] … learn more→

Data can improve our sustainability work

Data can improve our sustainability work

As leaders, scholars and practitioners in higher education, it is our responsibility and privilege to understand the challenges and opportunities ahead, to make judgements about where we should be sailing towards in the post-Covid world and, importantly, to collectively shape the future of sustainable development for all. Universities are facing a myriad of questions, with […] … learn more→

Is there a silent majority in favor of sustainability in the face of economic growth?

Is there a silent majority in favor of sustainability in the face of economic growth?

Economic growth is an important objective for any of the main political parties both in Spain and in other countries. However, given that climate change, the loss of biodiversity and other environmental problems are a reality, part of the scientific community and activist movements question whether that growth is compatible with sustainability. Instead, they advocate a […] … learn more→

Career guidance for kids is our best hope for climate change

Career guidance for kids is our best hope for climate change

We all care, at some level, about our planet and for our children. And yet, ample research has proven that we are doing a terrible job of guaranteeing a healthy future for either of them. In my work as an interdisciplinary scholar who has researched children’s rights, the social determinants of child development and the psychology […] … learn more→