Tag Archives: college

National education: what is the college sick of?

National education: what is the college sick of?

Since the creation of the “single college” in 1975, the college has regularly appeared as the “missing link” of the education system. Although it has been off the political and media radar for the past five years, the new Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, has just brought it back to the fore, declaring in an interview with Midi […] … learn more→

New Mexico to force High School grads to College

New Mexico to force High School grads to College

Practically since birth, our children have been indoctrinated into believing they must go to college after high school. Hey, there really was a time when going to college was both a privilege and a valid path into a better life. But it’s not a privilege any more. Every state has multiple “open admissions” schools eager […] … learn more→