Tag Archives: Conferences

So, all the conferences are cancelled. Now what?

So, all the conferences are cancelled. Now what?

Conferences are a major part of an academic life, of researcher lives, for networking and many other reasons. Often, conferences are where we connect with others in our discipline or methodological community, where we meet people, make contacts, expand our thinking, or where we share our research and our developing ideas. But with the advent […] … learn more→

Surviving the conference marathon

Surviving the conference marathon

So, you’ve found the call for papers, and submitted an abstract, been accepted, got your faculty funding or organised some extra shifts to get the cash, registered, booked travel and a lovely/scummy room, and decided which shoes will make your presentation really pop. My first conference outside my university was a big one at a […] … learn more→

Choosing a conference

Choosing a conference

I’ve recently been asked how new PhDers ought to go about choosing academic conferences. Here goes… Because conferences are discipline specific, you really do need to talk with your supervisor and your peers about which are the best conferences to go to. Cop out? OK. Got me. I’ll try to do better. I actually have […] … learn more→

Conference small talk – the definitive guide

Conference small talk – the definitive guide

Making small talk with someone who’s just given a talk, whether at a conference or at a colloquium or invited talk, can feel intimidating, especially if you’re a student or early in your academic career. But as someone who’s currently spending a lot of time on the opposite side of that divide, I’ve realized that […] … learn more→

Making the most of your conference money

Making the most of your conference money

For an academic, participating in conferences is important for lots of reasons: sharing research and having it critiqued, building networks, identifying collaboration opportunities, and staying up to date with advances in the field. For PhD students there are additional advantages: you can use conferences to make your name known outside your immediate geographical area, potentially […] … learn more→