It is the season of university open days and study decisions for Year 12 students. As an academic, the question I get asked most by students and parents is, “will this degree lead to a job?”. It is understandable. However, it isn’t necessarily the right question to ask as young people consider what course will suit them best. Focusing […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: employment

‘Will this degree lead to a job?’ is the wrong question. Here’s what you should ask instead

Does a university undergraduate degree lead to a ‘good job?’ It depends what you mean
Universities are central to Canada’s economic growth. As a result, governments (which partially fund them), employers (who hire graduates) and students (who pay tuition fees) have come to view universities as a tool to achieve their own goals: economic growth, a productive workforce and good jobs after graduation. Yet, the increasing focus on training undergraduates for specific jobs or […] … learn more→

AI could take your job, but it can also help you score a new one with these simple tips
It was once thought physical labour jobs would be the most at risk from the rise of artificial intelligence. But recent advances suggest we can expect disruption across a vast range of sectors, including knowledge-based industries. We certainly need to have conversations about how AI will change the future of work. But perhaps we should also look […] … learn more→

Microcredentials and mentoring: How universities can boost student employability
The looming recession climate is causing concerns over skyrocketing student debt. On top of a deeply unaffordable housing market, these factors call for universities to be more relevant in terms of preparing students for employability. This is a break with the traditional mission of the universities. Economist George Fallis, professor emeritus at York University, notes that traditionally, […] … learn more→

How to find a job after your graduation
So, you’re holding the cherished college degree in your hands and the student loan checks in your pocket. There is a bright future ahead, and the dream career is already waiting for you. However, you still haven’t found it. Don’t worry! Our professionals know that getting your first job is stressful. We are here to […] … learn more→

Finding a job, keeping it and earning a living: the expectations of young people from the working classes
Statistics tell us that in France a diploma remains the best asset for gaining access to employment, especially when it comes to a stable, open-ended contract – especially in times of crisis. This is the lesson given to us by the financial crisis of 2007-2008, as Céreq explains : “In 2010, three years after leaving the education system, 73% of […] … learn more→