Tag Archives: fraud

The deep frauds of L.A. Community Colleges

The deep frauds of L.A. Community Colleges

Community colleges are the ripest of fields for fraud. One might think that the for-profit schools would be the best, but for-profits get scrutiny, particularly from our state and Federal governments. As government-run operations, CC’s get a free pass from such scrutiny, and this allows endless breathtaking fraud. I’ve looked at LACC a few years […] … learn more→

UNC fraud penalty (nothing) paid in full

UNC fraud penalty (nothing) paid in full

With all the Progressive silliness on campus today, it’s easy to miss a big underlying cause: a broken accreditation system. For newcomers, a quick primer on accreditation: Scholars came together to share information, and these gatherings turned into universities, with a mission of education: either humanity (by researching new knowledge) or of humans (by the […] … learn more→