Tag Archives: health

Top 5 tips to quit smoking cigarettes in College

Top 5 tips to quit smoking cigarettes in College

Smoking cigarettes is an addictive habit that many students do while in college, but the long-term effects on health are frightening. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that cigarette smoking is the leading cause of death that is preventable with nearly half a million deaths per year. Did you know […] … learn more→

How to beat the ‘freshman five’ weight gain

How to beat the ‘freshman five’ weight gain

There is a widespread belief that a young adult’s college years are accompanied by weight gain — the so called “freshman five.” This is not just an urban myth. Research shows that approximately 85 per cent of overweight adults were not overweight as youth. And, by studying changes in fat mass during the period between 18 […] … learn more→