Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a teaching model that uses an additional language (often a foreign language) as a tool in the learning of other subjects, such as Biology or History. Through this methodology, students learn both the content of the subject and the language in which it is taught . This method is used differently […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: Learning a language

Beyond vocabulary and grammar: learning biology or history in English

Learning a language? Four ways to smash through the dreaded ‘intermediate plateau’
How can I improve my English? This was a question frequently posed by my students in South Korea. My initial advice was straightforward – dedicate time and effort. However, both my students and I found this advice unsatisfying and overly simplistic. As a fellow language learner who had reached only an intermediate level of Korean […] … learn more→

Tips for learning a language as an adult
When adults and seniors face the need to learn a new language or choose this learning voluntarily, there are many doubts that arise and that can stop the new company or slow down its evolution, if it is finally undertaken. Learning a language as an adult brings objective advantages , among which stands out a greater awareness […] … learn more→

How to motivate yourself to learn a language
Are you thinking about learning a language? Perhaps you’ve decided that it’s time to dust off your classroom French. Maybe you’re planning a trip to Japan and feel like you should make the effort to learn the basics, or work is sending you to the Cairo office for a year and you’ll need Arabic. Learning […] … learn more→

The advantages of learning languages as adults
Learning a language is not just about learning a linguistic code. Learning a language is also undergoing a process of acculturation (according to the RAE dictionary, “Action and effect of acculturation or acculturation: incorporating cultural elements from another group into an individual or a human group”) that can occur at any stage. of the life. Many studies have been carried […] … learn more→