Tag Archives: politics

Rap artists have penned plenty of lyrics about US presidents – this course examines what they say about Reagan and the 1980s

Rap artists have penned plenty of lyrics about US presidents – this course examines what they say about Reagan and the 1980s

Title of course: “Rap, Reagan and the 1980s” What prompted the idea for the course? Actually, it was Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again movement. People seemed shocked by his campaign slogan. But it wasn’t the first time in the U.S. that an entertainer had acted as a populist politician to win the allegiance of working-class […] … learn more→

Blood oil: more than half of the oil traded across the world has been stolen

Blood oil: more than half of the oil traded across the world has been stolen

Donald Trump tweeted something true recently. Responding to the protests in Iran, the US president stated that “The people are finally getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered.” Trump’s point is correct: what vice-president Mike Pence called Iran’s “unelected dictators” really have been stealing the oil that belongs to the […] … learn more→

We should all be political, even if we’re not all partisan

We should all be political, even if we’re not all partisan

Is it possible to be political and nonpartisan simultaneously? It’s a question likely as old as the Republican and Democratic parties themselves. The short answer is yes. According to Merriam Webster, one definition of political is “of, relating to, involving, or involved in politics and especially party politics”. To be political is to be involved […] … learn more→