Tag Archives: protests

Dhaka: how speeding bus drivers sparked a student insurrection

Dhaka: how speeding bus drivers sparked a student insurrection

Traffic jams – or “janjot”, as locals call them – are a fundamental part of life in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Sometimes the slowness of the traffic can give you a sense of claustrophobia, as you’re trapped between vehicles that have become immovable objects. It’s easy to see why there is a growing ride-sharing business […] … learn more→

Poo Bahs protest Trump’s “Muslim Ban”…foolishly.

Poo Bahs protest Trump’s “Muslim Ban”…foolishly.

In Game of Thrones, the academics (the Maesters), mostly stay out of politics. They have their university (The Citadel) and they send scholarly representatives to every significant castle in Westeros, to give politically neutral advice and knowledge. I know, it’s a fictional world, but it’s not too far from the real world, where the universities, […] … learn more→

The role of social media in protests

A study has explored the dynamics behind social network sites in recruiting and spreading calls for action that contribute to riots, revolutions and protests. Led by Oxford University and published in the journal Scientific Reports, the study finds that the most influential group consists of a small group of users close to the centre of […] … learn more→