Tag Archives: recruitment

Recruitment practices of faculty are they fair?

Recruitment practices of faculty are they fair?

A recent amendment adopted within the framework of the Research Programming Law (LPR) calls into question the national framework for the recruitment of teacher-researchers by reverting to the obligation of qualification by the National Council of Universities of candidates for positions of university professor. Through petitions, open letters, press releases, academics are mobilizing . The amendment intends to “strengthen the […] … learn more→

Attract the

Attract the “best” foreign students: genesis of a selective policy

The “attractiveness strategy for international students” presented by Édouard Philippe on November 19, 2018 has aroused a lot of reactions in academia and associations, rightly so. The Prime Minister claims to “win the battle of international competition between our higher education and research systems” by sharply raising tuition fees for students outside the European Union in […] … learn more→