In France, MPs have recently considered whether to reintroduce compulsory school uniform, with first lady Brigitte Macron adding her support to the idea. “It erases differences, it saves time,” she said. These perceptions of the benefits of uniform are widely held – but do they hold up? French MPs voted against the idea, but uniform is the […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: school uniforms

School uniforms are meant to foster a sense of belonging and raise achievement – but it’s not clear that they do

The case of forced hijab: how the political climate affects school uniform policy
The public was excited again after the news about a public school teacher who allegedly forced Muslim students in Yogyakarta to wear the hijab without their will – even to the point of making the student depressed . Last week, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as the Governor of DIY disabled the principal and three teachers involved in the incident. Human Rights […] … learn more→

Uniform at school, the eternal debate?
Under the hashtags #balancetonbahut and # 14septembre, middle school and high school girls have been claiming since the start of the school year the right to dress as they wish, pointing to the sexism of schools that are more strict with regard to the outfits worn by girls than by those of boys. Questioned on this subject […] … learn more→