A coat hanger. A broomstick. A pool cue. All these objects were used in a series of sexual assaults in recent years in which the perpetrators allegedly targeted high school boys who play sports. The perpetrators always had easy access to their alleged victims. That’s because they were teammates. In the world of education, sexual […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: Sexual assault

Shame and secrecy shroud culture of sexual assault in boys’ high school sports

Sexual assault and harassment on campus: universities haven’t made reporting easy. They need effective regulation
A report commissioned by Universities Australia released on Wednesday found one in 20 (4.5%) students had been sexually assaulted since starting at university. The National Student Safety Survey report also found one in two students (48%) had experienced sexual harassment at least once in their lifetime. One in six (16%) had been sexually harassed since starting their […] … learn more→