Tag Archives: Textbooks

Are we facing the decline of the textbook at school?

Are we facing the decline of the textbook at school?

For some time now we have been observing a kind of renewal wave in education with emerging proposals that would turn classrooms and schools upside down, turning them into something almost unrecognizable. And, in parallel, we are seeing how digital technology has come to supplant the analog in many facets of life, also in education. All […] … learn more→

In the digital age, do we still need textbooks?

In the digital age, do we still need textbooks?

It is often pointed out that textbooks add to the students’ binders. They also weigh on budgets and are not easy to renew when school curriculum changes accelerate – evidenced by the debates in the regions about the purchase of future books for high school , in tune with the reform of the baccalaureate. . However, beyond these […] … learn more→