The precarious situation of many students is very often analyzed in light of their resources . But reading their expenses is equally instructive. First and foremost is the rise in tuition fees. An evolution too often advanced as technical and accounting, when it is actually fundamentally political … Increasing tuition fees at the university, often presented as “politically and socially sensitive , “ is […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: tuition fees

Increasing tuition fees at the university: another conception of the public service?

Means-tested fees come with a lower political price tag
It is an intriguing coincidence that just as the Augar Review plunges England into yet another round of introspection on tuition fees, the biggest idea sweeping higher education finance across the globe is one that England itself abandoned for no particularly good reason about a decade ago. Between 1998 and 2006, the headline tuition fee […] … learn more→