At the beginning of the 20th century, basic education became a human right. This implied that anyone in the defined age groups had the right and obligation to attend school. This is what was called the principle of universalization. Finishing this basic stage of education was a guarantee of job placement by obtaining a job. Only 5% of the […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: vocational training

What is Basic Vocational Training? The educational keys against school dropout

Vocational Training, a quick alternative for job placement
Since its creation with the General Law of Education in 1970 , Vocational Training (FP) in Spain has been gaining in students and improving its social value . At present, this type of technical-practical studies is at a sweet moment, since it allows young people a quick and effective job opportunity. A benefit that attracts more and more young people, thus triggering the […] … learn more→

Trump attacks Community Colleges…rightfully
It really is amazing how whatever Trump says is twisted by the media. I apologize for piling on here by doing some twisting as well in the title, though I’ll at least concede he has the right of it. The article I’ll be quoting from gives no such quarter, presenting only those who disagree, and […] … learn more→

The fetish for vocational degrees is unhealthy
No one – alas! – would trust me, athletically challenged and almost tone-deaf as I am, to coach Manchester United or to direct the London Symphony Orchestra. By the same token, one should not expect most politicians to improve education. Robert Halfon, who despite being a former UK education minister and current chair of the […] … learn more→