Monthly Archives: May 2017

Are movies a good way to learn history?

Guilt-free online shopping: can parcel deliveries ever be truly carbon-neutral?
Whether you’re a fashion junkie or a reluctant shopper, there is no denying that buying online is hugely convenient – a couple of clicks and your order is on its way to your door. But we are all aware that these goods need to be transported, and that a delivery involving planes, ships and trucks […] … learn more→

Scrounging for money: how the world’s great writers made a living
It’s a lean time for writers, as arts funding shrinks on all sides, journalists are laid off in droves, broadcasting budgets are slashed, and book publishing remains in a state of seemingly unceasing upheaval. It often seems as if the age of living by the pen may be brought to a close by an increasingly […] … learn more→

Mizzou closes 7 dorms: No students
For years I’ve watched the Poo Bahs of Higher Ed abandon their mission of helping humanity and instead debase higher education in exchange for growth. The Poo Bahs don’t want growth per se, they want the massive increases to pay they get for ruling larger institutions (truth be told, I suspect the reasons our politicians […] … learn more→

PhD depression (or just the blues?)
I am well and truly in the middle of my three year PhD at an Australian University. Right now I’m experiencing some of the darkest days of my PhD journey so far. I am just so down. I hate my life. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve lost all my confidence. I feel like […] … learn more→

Bipartisan group in Congress seeks to end the College blackout
A recent survey from New America showed that nearly three out of four students enrolled in college today believe the higher education system is not “fine as it is.” Part of that may be because students are largely in the dark when it comes to making one of the most important–and most expensive–decisions of their […] … learn more→

Israel – the country leading Cannabis research. Here’s why.
CBD oil has been headlining medical news for the past few months. Researchers and scientists in the US are trying to keep up with evidence showing cannabidiol oil’s potential benefits. The most recent news regarding this miracle strain? Studies have shown that regular application of CBD inhibits cancerous cell growth in rats. CBD oil is […] … learn more→

Memory foam mattress buyers guide
We all know that good sleep leads to better results. We feel better, look better, and work better after getting a good night’s sleep. Most of us make a genuine effort to improve our sleep habits. However, it can sometimes be difficult to attain this improvement. It may be tricky to pinpoint the exact reason […] … learn more→

Self-citation by proxy
Meet Dr Oozing-Confidence. He knows his work is important. Very important. Superior even. He gets very miffed when he reads anything that is on his topic, or connected with it, that doesn’t recognise his contributions and their significance. He is always keen to point these ignoramuses to the key texts in the field – his. And now […] … learn more→

Year round Pell = Year round fraud
While both universities and community colleges practice many of the same frauds, one fraud in particular is most common by far at the community college: Pell Grant fraud. A Pell Grant is basically free money, close to $6,000, available for a student to take college courses. Of course, “college course” is defined by admin, […] … learn more→