Writing a Characterization of the Book Hero Students write a characterization of the book hero very often. But do they know how to do it correctly? Read the main rules of such a composition here. How to Write a Characterization of the Book Hero? Writing many compositions is part of the life of every student. […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: November 2017

How to write a characterization of the book hero?

Does the size of the universe prove God doesn’t exist?
Scientists now know that the universe contains at least two trillion galaxies. It’s a mind-scrunchingly big place, very different to the conception of the universe we had when the world’s major religions were founded. So do the astronomical discoveries of the last few centuries have implications for religion? Over the last few decades, a new way […] … learn more→

Vice Chancellor pay to Infinity
It’s so saddening to watch higher education in the UK go the same route as it is here in the US. One of first big changes was restructuring of higher education into a royal (and royally paid) caste of “leaders” getting everything, while reducing scholars to peasants, barely scraping by. This process is finished in […] … learn more→

More haste, less speed: our pressured universities need ‘slow philosophy’
Philosophy is traditionally a privileged mode of engaging with the complexities of our world; a slow and unhurried process of extending perceptions, deepening resonances and forging connections. It therefore benefits from the university as an institutional space that safeguards time. The transformative potential of philosophy that this situation enables is, one could say (with a […] … learn more→

4 post graduation paths you can choose from
Adjusting to life after university can be very difficult.Graduation may signify a time for celebration but it can also indicate a period of uncertainty as fresh graduates begin to anticipate their future. As per a psychologist named Andy Hogg, “it is normal for recent college graduates to feel stressed and anxious,”all this because of the […] … learn more→

How to negotiate your life’s doctoral turn
Someone once asked Malcolm Gladwell when his next book would be out. “I need an idea before I can write another book,” he responded. As a PhD student, his answer didn’t make sense to me. I knew that I needed to write a book (fancifully called a “dissertation”) – I just didn’t realise that I […] … learn more→

Are ‘edusceptics’ right to portray higher education as a big con?
Higher education is a scam. Administrators run universities for profit and care little for standards. Students don’t learn anything, don’t get good jobs and end up in debt poverty. Welcome to the world of the edusceptic, where we, my fellow academics, are the rip-off merchants of the age. A slew of books, blogs, newspaper articles […] … learn more→

California’s higher education: From American dream to dilemma
For the Golden State of California, 1960 was a golden year: It was a time of rapid development, when the state chose to use its tax revenues to fund magnificent freeways and other infrastructure. Part of this massive development was a system of public higher education – a model that put California center stage in the American […] … learn more→

Revised data shows Community Colleges have been underappreciated
A college degree is the key to unlocking many of the best careers in the modern labor market. But more than 20 million working-age adults in the United States are college dropouts, failed in some way by institutions that collectively receive hundreds of billions of dollars in public funding every year. For the last few decades, the […] … learn more→

More bad news for female teachers
I post in forums, and it’s so weird when politicized topics come up. For example, I mentioned how Google modifies its search engine to steer searches away from information detrimental to Hillary Clinton (this was during the last election, although what Amazon is doing with Hillary’s book today is no different. I’m called a conspiracy theorist […] … learn more→