Monthly Archives: January 2018

Study habits for success: tips for students

Study habits for success: tips for students

Right now, thousands of Australian school children and university students are taking a well-earned break from the classroom. Long breaks like this help us clear our minds, but they can also provide an opportunity to prepare for the learning year ahead. If you’re a student, this might mean thinking about your study habits. Here are […] … learn more→

Engaging employees with limited english proficiency

Engaging employees with limited english proficiency

Imagine it’s your first day on the job. Easy enough—we’ve all been there. Remember how nervous you were when you started at your last job? Now, imagine everyone around you is speaking a language you’re still not very comfortable using. You might catch a word here or there, but you’re missing the majority of the […] … learn more→

Scholarly intimidation is being imported into Australia under official Communist Party licence in the guise of patriotism

Scholarly intimidation is being imported into Australia under official Communist Party licence in the guise of patriotism

It’s a truism that we take our freedoms for granted until they are taken away, but recent events have really driven that home to me. In November, my imminent book exposing the subversive activities of the CPC in Australia was dropped by its publisher because it feared retaliation from Beijing. I never imagined that such […] … learn more→

How can scholars tackle the rise of Chinese censorship in the West?

How can scholars tackle the rise of Chinese censorship in the West?

The extraordinary rise of Xi Jinping was, understandably, the main talking point of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October. Thanks to the president’s relentless consolidation of his personal power base within the party and the official encouragement of something approaching a cult of personality, comparisons with Mao were […] … learn more→

What is a sell and stay transaction?

What is a sell and stay transaction?

With rising interest rates and home costs, not to mention the numerous foreclosures we are seeing all around us, many homeowners are now opting for the sell and stay option to keep on living in their cherished homes. A sell and stay transaction is basically a tax-free scheme that allows you to sell your home […] … learn more→

Why your child’s preschool teacher should have a college degree

Why your child’s preschool teacher should have a college degree

How much education does a preschool teacher need? When the District of Columbia announced in March that it would require an associate’s degree for all lead teachers at child care centers who work with children up to age 5, the reaction was widely negative. Journalist Matthew Yglesias tweeted that the requirement seemed “ill-advised,” while Sen. Ben Sasse, a […] … learn more→

Admin recorded humiliating Teacher for educating students

Admin recorded humiliating Teacher for educating students

When I was at a fake community college, there was one thing I loathed the most: a forced meeting with a boss (by “boss” I could be referring to any number of people with the right to fire me at their displeasure, from dean/assistant dean, to provost/assistant provost, to chancellor/assistant chancellor, to vice president/assistant vice […] … learn more→

The five most anticipated digital games of 2018

The five most anticipated digital games of 2018

It’s been an interesting year for digital games. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds became the most played PC game on the digital distribution platform Steam, with its battle-royale, scavenge and survive 100 player gameplay shaking up the first-person shooter genre. Nintendo’s new console, the Switch, blew us away with the latest games in the Zelda and Mario franchises. And the cathartic nazi-Killing of Wolfenstein II was particularly […] … learn more→