Monthly Archives: August 2018

Social entrepreneurship gives students skills and something to believe in

Social entrepreneurship gives students skills and something to believe in

Student entrepreneurship is being encouraged by governments, universities and students worldwide as high-growth entrepreneurial ventures generate money for economies, universities and the founding individuals themselves. However, students are also at the forefront of a heartening rise of social entrepreneurship across the world in response to societal problems. Discontent with political inaction, austerity measures and government […] … learn more→

Gender pronoun obsessed school loses students (Shock!)

Gender pronoun obsessed school loses students (Shock!)

A weird identity politics madness has been steadily taking over our campuses for a few decades now. Individual faculty who stood up against the madness were dogpiled by rabid admin, and eventually removed; I’ve seen it with my own eyes enough times. Last January, I covered such a dogpile at Laurier University. In this case, […] … learn more→

Why Silicon Valley needs theologians

Why Silicon Valley needs theologians

Religion and technology, at first glance, don’t go together. When I tell people that I research religion and robots, I’m often met with confusion. Interestingly, though, the religious figure of the golem, a mound of earth or clay that has been brought to “life”, is widely recognised as a precursor to the robot. And some of the […] … learn more→

For universities, making the case for diversity is part of making amends for racist past

For universities, making the case for diversity is part of making amends for racist past

The Trump administration recently announced plans to scrap Obama-era guidelines that encouraged universities to consider race as a factor to promote diversity on campus, claiming the guidelines “advocate policy preferences and positions beyond the requirements of the Constitution.” Some university leaders immediately went on the defense. Harvard University stated that it plans to continue to use race as an […] … learn more→

What is it like to take a leadership role at a university?

What is it like to take a leadership role at a university?

Entering senior management marks perhaps the profoundest transition in an academic career. It is the point at which the job description changes from tasks, such as research and teaching, in which scholars have had years of training and practice, to those in which they may have precious little prior experience and expertise. And failure is […] … learn more→

Is the Department setting up its open textbook pilot to scale—or to fail?

Is the Department setting up its open textbook pilot to scale—or to fail?

Bypassing any call for public input, the Department of Education announced the details of its Open Textbook Pilot last Monday, releasing a notice inviting applications for $5 million in new competitive funds. Several Senators who invested in the success of the Open Textbook Pilot, however, have continued to raise concerns with the Department’s actions. At the end of last […] … learn more→

How to stop struggling with your bad trading habits

How to stop struggling with your bad trading habits

One of the primal egotistical issues that every person deals with is the feeling of not being restricted by anything. There are a lot of forex traders who will mention the point where they got interested in starting their trading career, and almost all of them will say that it was because they wanted more […] … learn more→

University gives pay raise…only to non-males

University gives pay raise…only to non-males

I’ve said many times there’s a systemic anti-male bias on campus, but for the most part I’ve only documented it with words. It’s not just words which show a distinct dislike of males, and allow me to demonstrate with one campus which is putting their money where the y chromosomes aren’t (the self-identified ones, anyway): […] … learn more→