I suffered a serious lack of academic mojo when I came back to work after maternity leave for my second daughter. I’d had to start her in childcare two months before my maternity leave ended so we wouldn’t miss out on a spot and, as is inevitable when a small kid starts childcare, she was […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: March 2019

How having kids made me a better academic

Why science matters so much in the era of fake news and fallacies
Democracy and social progress die without science and fact-based knowledge. Science and facts are the foundational basis for rational and logical disputation and the possibility of reaching some truths. Fake news, on the other hand, is a calculated assault on democratic freedoms. The power of the notion of fake news and of its practitioners is demonstrated […] … learn more→

Don’t fall for it: a parent’s guide to protecting your kids from online hoaxes
It’s a parent’s responsibility to protect their children from harm, no matter where that threat of harm comes from. But what if the threat is a hoax? We’ve seen recently a rollercoaster of panic from parents trying to protect their kids from a supposed online threat known as the Momo challenge, that has for months […] … learn more→

Building a successful Higher Ed business…so corrupt anyone can do it.
As I may be going into early/brief retirement, allow me to share some insights on building a successful business in an industry I know a bit about: higher education. Also, the recent revelation of wildly unqualified students getting into Ivy League schools brought this to mind, as I bet many of you are wondering how […] … learn more→

How to improve the quality of private universities, where the majority of Indonesian students study
Nearly 70 percent of Indonesian students study at private universities. However, the quality of private universities is still below state universities. Private universities in Asia, including Indonesia, face four problems according to Asian Development Bank research . These problems are (1) expanding access to private campuses (increasing the number of students, providing lectures for financially disadvantaged and disabled people), (2) […] … learn more→

Is there a silent majority in favor of sustainability in the face of economic growth?
Economic growth is an important objective for any of the main political parties both in Spain and in other countries. However, given that climate change, the loss of biodiversity and other environmental problems are a reality, part of the scientific community and activist movements question whether that growth is compatible with sustainability. Instead, they advocate a […] … learn more→

Why meritocracy is a myth in college admissions
The most damaging myth in American higher education is that college admissions is about merit, and that merit is about striving for – and earning – academic excellence. This myth is often used as a weapon against policies like affirmative action that offer minor admissions advantages to low-income students and racial and ethnic minorities. From […] … learn more→

What definitions for reading at school?
At the time of the Paris Book Fair flourish speeches on reading. And in this moment of introspection of our society on its relation to reading , the world of education finds itself particularly involved. But the question of reading is not clear. What are we talking about when we talk about reading at school? In reality, it covers different definitions that are not always […] … learn more→

New dictionary provides nuanced insights into the language of African politics
Every country has its own political language. These terms and phrases that have developed over time give distinctive meanings that may not be fully understood by outsiders. Unless we learn them, we may miss critical information about how politics really works. Our new dictionary of African politics reveals the witty and insightful political terminology that people in […] … learn more→

Students striking for climate action are showing the exact skills employers look for
On March 15 2019 thousands of students across Australia will skip school and join the global strike for climate action. This is the second time students have taken to the streets to demand more government action on climate change. Last time they did so, in November 2018, the federal resources minister, Matt Canavan, told them: The best thing you’ll […] … learn more→